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Walking through the hallways of the jedi temple for the first time feels like a dream. It looks exactly like my mother described in her storys before she passed. I lived on tattooine my whole life and one thing i know is that it is by far the worst planet ever. Its a desert planet, the sun is hottest thing i ever felt, the sand is a itchy, rough feeling and it feels like needles when theres a sandstorm. The people are not the kindest, a lot of people are slaves or have slaves. My mother was a jedi but we lived on tattooine because of her past. She said she wanted to live on the planet because thats where her parents died and wanted to feel close to them. I never knew my grandparents all i know is that they were lovely, strong people. Both slaves who somehow got their daughter to be free to become a padawan. 

My mother was a padawan together with her friend Obi-wan Kenobi. I have met him a few times he is very kind and a great jedi. He has told me the stories he and his padawan expierenced, his padawan is named Anakin Skywalker and is a jedi now and also my new master who im now on my way to meet. I have heard amazing stories of him. He is apparentley the best fighter and best pilot of the galaxy, he is also the chosen one and i feel honestly so excited to become his padawan. The difference in our age is not that big im 18 and he is 20 so maybe we can become sort of friends. People say he is very confident, charming, helpful and respectful.

 My thoughts are interuppted when i stop in front of the door. I realise im a little late but this place is honestly a maze so its not really my fault.

Just knock

I take a deep breath and knock. The door opens on itself and reveals a smiling Obi-wan and a bald man. "Y/n" Obi-wan says. "Obi-wan!!" and i half run to him to embrace him. "This is master Windu". Master Windu nods and smiles half to me. "Nice to meet you i am Y/n" i smile.

Than i hear a harsh door opening on the other side of the room and a man not far from my age comes trough it. "I am late i know" he says to Obi- wan. Obi-wan shakes his head then looks at me and says "Y/n this is your new master Anakin Skywalker"

Oh my god

He is incredibly beautiful. He has blond hair that is grown out a bit and has breathtaking blue eyes. He is very tall because i have to look up a bit to look in his eyes. I notice that he has a scar by his left eye a little above his eyebrow and a little underneath it. Is it bad if i find his scar atractive? 


"You done?" Anakin says. I feel a warmth creeping up my cheeks because i stared on accident. I shrug my embarresment of me and say "Master Skywalker im so honoured to meet you, i am very excited for your training" My master looks at me and scans my appereance, his eyes don't look happy and suddenly im afraid if i made a weird impression. "Sorry that i was late i never been to the jedi temple and its honestly a maze" i smile appolegiy. He chuckles but its not a good chuckle " right " he looks at me and steps closer and i feel kind of intimidated. "Don't be late next time cause there will be consequenses" i huff and say "weren't you late too?" He smirks  "i can be late whenever i want to padawan". I am starting to feel annoyed by him isnt he supposed to be amazing all i can think is that he is a rude arrogant person.

I open my mouth to say something but im interuppted by Obi-wan. "Come on now Anakin be reasonable its her first day" Anakin turns his look off me and looks at Obi-wan. "Master is this really necesarry i didn't even want a padawan and what i can see from now is that she is to weak to do this" he says. 

Okay asshole.  What is his problem?

Obi-wan looks a bit annoyed and i honestly get that. "Anakin it is important to have a padawan its the way of  the jedi end of discussion". My master rolls his eyes and looks at me.

"Training starts tomorrow 5 am, don't be late". And with that he walks past me and bumps my shoulder on his way and dissapears behind the doors.

This is gonna be great

Hi thank you so much for reading let me know what you think and don't forget to comment and vote!! :)

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