Part 6

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A week later

It's currently 7 am and I am getting ready for training but I am going to eat breakfast first with Ella. My arm is almost fully healed I'll probably get a scar in return wich kind of sucks but I have to embrace it. I look in the mirror, my hair falls down on my shoulders and I look tired. I sigh and open my door but I come face to face with a girl coming out of Anakin's room. She looks at me up and down, her hair looks messy and her eye make-up is smudged a bit. "Oh hey" she says sweetly "have we met?" she asks. I shake my head I don't really reconize her "I don't think so" I answer. She frowns and comes closer, I give her a akward and confusing smile. "I really reconize you what is your name?" she asks. I open my mouth to speak but I get interuppted.

"She's no one leave her alone". I look up to see now Anakin standing in his doorway, leaning against the side. He is wearing nothing but a towel and his blonde curls are a bit damp, "Excuse you asshole but we were talking" I snap at him. He smiles sarcastically "You are always so lovely in the morning sweetheart", I scoff and fake smile back "only to you Anakin". I only call him Anakin when I'm really pissed at him. "Right.. I think I'm just gonna head off" the girl says. She walks up to Anakin and puts her arm on his bicep, he wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her and that weird stomach knot feeling comes back to me.

He opens his eyes in mid-kiss and looks at me I feel myself blushing.


He smirks at me and end the kiss. "See you around" she blows a kiss and walks away. My gaze returns to Anakin and he is still smirking, "are you alright you look a little pale". I narrow my eyes "I am fine", he takes a step closer to me, "What? Too much for your innocent eyes?" he asks. I huff "My eyes can take anything I just feel sorry for that girl cause you are an asshole". "I sense something inside you" he takes another step closer to me, he is now so close that I can feel his cold breath on my face. His lips find my ear "I sense jealousy" he whispers in my ear. I push him back and grit my teeth "I am not jealous". His eyebrow rises "really? your'e body language is saying something else". "My body is saying that you are an arrogant, rude, selfish manhore who had a bigger ego than the enitere galaxy and always knows how to hurt people".  "Why the hell did you say to her that I was no one do you know how hurtfull that sounds?" I say.

"Everyone decribes you as this kind, helpfull, loving person. A person full of light, the chosen one! A person who treats somebody with respect. Sometimes I actually believe them but then I realise how stupid I am. One day you are nice to me the next you act like I am the worst person alive, when I met you I felt so honoured to become your padawan. Obi-wan told me all of the amazing stories of you guys, he told me incredible things that you have done and that we would get along fine. But when I met you you just spat in my face with rude words and I don't give a shit that you didn't want a padawan that doesn't give you the right to treat me the way you do. It's not my fault and maybe you should go begging on your knees by master Yoda to trade me, maybe you should just let me die on a mission because that is how you act and I am sick of it".

"I am sick of you"

I am breathing heavily and tears stream down my cheeks. "I don't understand why you hate me so much all I ever do is wanting to make you proud, and I know I mess up sometimes but your'e not so flawless yourself but you know what I don't hold it against your head with every single thing you do. I am the padawan I have to learn, I can make mistakes but when I walk around the temple I hear people talking behind my back about how bad I am and that you deserve a better padawan. I have the right to hate you because how you treat me not the other way around".

I just said all the words I ever wanted to day about of this and honesly I have no idea where this came from. He looks at my teary eyes, his expression with an emotion I don't understand. He doesn't say anything.

"I am going to skip training today and I will speak with you again when you know the answer on my fucking question because otherwise I will drop out and return to tatooiine and never see you again because I can't take this anymore." I walk away crying, towards Ella's room.

She opens the door with a smile that quickly drops when she sees me. I crash in her arms and cry.  she holds me while I sob, I close my eyes and all I can see is Anakin's face with that unreconizble expression.

I hate him

Hi friends really short chapter I know I promise the next one will be longer.

Thank you so much for reading and voting what do you guys think so far!?

See ya next chapter!!

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