Part 1

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2 years later 

Two years later and all i can say its been chaotic. Anakin is the same and him and i aren't well at getting along. Wich makes training hard because i know he just makes some things difficult for me. He still looks great but i won't ever tell him that because he has the biggest ego ever. Altough he's a jedi girls adore him, sometimes i see a girl leaving his room with messy hair and her lipstick all over her face. But its akward because he comes out of his room and just looks at me and smirks. Im not jealous at all the only thing is that i feel sorry for those girls cause he is honestly just incredibly annoying and arrogant.

Training is bearable but he always makes me run extra laps because he's a prick. Im getting pretty good at fighting and learning about the force. We've done some missions together and mosly he had to save my ass and ill never got to hear the end of it. but the last mission i was the one who had to save him because he forgot his lightsaber. 

There were some moments that i thought Anakin could be a nice person because he would always ask if i was hurt anywhere or he would look after me when i was wounded but he and i always argue and he makes fun of my height altough im just a bit shorter than him. 

Master Yoda has a new padawan who i became bestfriends with her name is Ella. Ella is a little younger than me she is 16 i am 20. Sometimes our masters let us go on mission together i honestly love her to death and im really glad i have a best friend because my master is a dick.

But right now im sitting in the training hall waiting for Anakin. I got up early because i couldn't sleep, i've been having nightmares about the death of my mother. She was very sick and had painful death because we didn't have any medicine. She died in my arms and the memory still lingers in my brain. Im watching the sunrise trough the big windows. I always loved the sunrise, the moment when the upper rim of the Sun appears on the horizon in the morning is just breathtaking. Right now the sky is colored soft orange with a hint of pink. I smile at the sight.

"Your up early" I whip my head around to look at the voice and i see my master walking into the hall while looking at me. " Yeah i couldn't sleep" i say.  "Hmm" he hums and walks towards to me. I turn my head back to the sunrise and say "Can you keep it down at night because some people are actually trying to sleep". Last night Anakin hooked up with somoene again and his room is right next to mine and the walls are not the thickest. He glares at me and says "You keep me awake too your always whining in your sleep". I look at him and see him smirking at me, "I don't whine in my sleep" i state. "its okay you don't have to admit out loud your dreaming of me" he says. I scoff and "In your dreams" 

"We have to wait for master Yoda and his padawan she is joining us today for training". "Ella is coming!?" I smile surprised. "Yes you two will be fighting against eachother and who wins will come along with the mission tomorrow" he explains. I don't like fighting against Ella because i don't want to hurt her and he knows that i just know he planned this so i can't go on the mission tomorrow with him.  "I don't want to fight Ella i don't want to hurt her". "well I don't care put your emotions aside because your gonna fight her today" he says. He is sitting in front of me on the bench looking at the sunrise too. I roll my eyes and look at him to see he's already looking at me. "Don't roll your eyes at me".  "shut up asshole" i say i know its a bit rude but im just annoyed by him and i don't care. "Why are you always insulting me" he looks irritated. 


"Im not insulting you im just describing you". Suddenly i feel a strong pull and when i look i discover im sitting almost against Anakin. He pulled me towards me with the force and he looks angry. "learn your place padawan" he grabs my chin. My hand finds his wrist and closes around it, his face is suddenly so close to mine that i can feel his cold breath. His eyes are on me and i stare at him. I huff and eventually give in knowing he always wins besides he's still my master and my only way to become a jedi knight.  "sorry master" i say but i don't mean it. "what was that i couldn't hear you". I sigh in frustration and repeat "Im sorry master". He backs up and smirks i look into his eyes and see a hint of amusing in them. I was ready to yell at him but i didn't have a chance because master Yoda and Ella came trough the door. 

I stand up and see Ella smiling at me. I walk up to her and hug her, "i missed you so much" she says. Its been a month since the last time i saw her she and her master went to another planet to train and learn about the history of the force while i was stuck here with Anakin. "I missed you too look at you, wow did you cut your hair?" her hair was always very long but now its right above her shoulders it suits her. "Yes i felt like it it was so random" I look behind next to her shoulder and see Anakin and Master Yoda talking together. I make eyecontact with Anakin and i look away, Ella turns to look and gives me a dissapointed look. "Still a jerk?" she asks I laugh "always a jerk"

"Y/n" i look over to see anakin calling me i give Ella a quick smile and walk up to him. "Yes master?" "Are you ready" he asks i give him a pleading look. "Please don't make me do this" i beg i hate begging to him but i really don't want to fight Ella. "Listen to become a jedi you need to accept things, this may seem hard but you have to put your emotions aside" I nod "i know i know but-" "no buts youre gonna fight now relax its not like you have to kill her its just a lightsaber fight" he says.  "I know you can win so show me how much you have learned from your training so far". Now i am kind of scared what if Ella hurts me? As he reads my mind he says "You guys are to good friends for burning eachother" he grabs my hand and leads me towards master Yoda. "She's ready" Ella smiles at me and i feel a little better.

We are standing in the middle of the room in front of eachother. "You ready?" she asks. "Are you?" i smirk and she lights her lightsaber and i do the same. She swings her sword at me and i block, i spin and swing my lightsaber sideways and she goes behind a bit. We're fighting and i see anakin looking at me and he mouths something at me.


I hesitate but i bring my arm up and use the force to shove Ella and she falls on the ground pretty hard. I won

"Ella are you okay!?" Im concered i hurt her but i see her laughing. "That was amazing that move was so smart!" I sigh in relief and let out a laugh "Thank you you were great too". Anakin Walks up to me and sort of proud smirks at me and says "Looks like you and i are going to arrest general grievious tomorrow" prick he knows i only won because of him. 

I look at him and say "Looks like it"

First chapter done thank you so much for reading!!

What do you think so far let me know 

Lots of love Xx

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