Part 3

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Obi-wan!!" I smile and I see R2 driving towards me. I crouch down en pat him on his head, he beps and spins I laugh softly. "Hi R2" I say "can you please not be friends with my droid?" I hear.

I look at Anakin "not my fault he likes me more than you", I smirk, I see him rolling his eyes "sure I was the one who build him" he says. "Still likes me better" I happily sigh, Anakin turns to me "Listen you-".

"Can you two please stop we have a mission to attend am I right?" Obi-wan states while standing with a raised eyebrow. I clear my throat "yes ofcourse" and we start to begin walking towards the a large building. I think I forgot on what planet we are, It looks quite beautiful. I look around a bit and ask "Do you guys think we will arrest him today?"

"That is the plan altough he is quite good at escaping and has alot of security, R2 show us the map" my master says. R2 shows us a virtual complicated map. I look at Obi-wan and ask "What is the plan?". "You and Anakin will go trough the vent together then if I'm right you'll reach a small room where you will wait until me and R2 open the door. "Okay sounds easy" I say, Obi-wan looks at me and says "When we open the door we will go together to a conference room where Grievous hides but there are a lot of storm troopers guarding so we'll have to go trough that first if they aren't already at the door". "What if the plan goes a another way" I ask, Anakin looks at me and says "improvise".

"Alright R2 make this vent open" says obi-wan. "You guys can just fit next to eachother its probably useful if one of you guys hold a light and the other studies the map" he explains. "I already know the map so you can hold the light yeah?" Anakin says.

I look at him "sure smart guy" I say while shaking my head. The vent breaks open, "alright good luck you two be careful and don't  do anything stupid" Obi-wan says. "Hey when do I ever do something stupid" I ask slighly offended, "don't get me started Y/n". 

I scoff and look at Anakin and see him smirking "can't argue him on that". My jaw drops "you know I only do those things because you never stick to the damn plan" I say. "It's called improvising" he says and looks up to the vent its higher than I thought. 

"Alright here's what we're gonna do I can climb in myself but since your too short i'll pull you up" Anakin says. I nod " right okay" while looking in his eyes. He casually pulls himself up and looks down and reaches his armout for me to grab. 

I grab his hand and he pulls me up in one swiftly move but he is a little too strong so I land on top of him in the slightly narrow vent. My head lays on his hard chest and his hands are around my waist. I lift my head up and my eyes find his. I feel a little flustered all of the sudden our noses almost touching, feeling his breath on my face. "Oh my god don't look at me", I say while pushing myself to his left. 

I feel his hands slowly sliding of me and I feel myself missing the warmth of his hands on me.

Stop thinking like that Y/n.

"You got the light?", he asks while avoiding eye contact with me. I show him the small flashlight "Yup". We kind of crawl through the vent, our arms touch the whole time and sometimes I feel his hair on the side of my face. "There is the room", Anakin says.

I open the hatch, "I'll go first then I will catch you okay?" he says now making eye contact. I nod "Yes sounds cool" I feel kind of akward I don't know why. He jumps out and checks the room "Alright we're good come on" he holds out his arms. "Uhm yeah okay" I'm kind of scared that he won't catch me I mean it's Anakin he doesn't really mind if I'm hurt. He frowns a little and his eyes soften, "I will catch you I promise". I believe him for some reason and I jump out, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist and my hands find his shoulders. 

I look up at his face, "see I told you" he smirks. I huff, "Yeah whatever so what now we have to wait for Obi-wan and R2?" I ask. "Exactly that yes" he says while leaning against the wall. 

I look around a bit and stare at the door. "So how are you?" I ask casually trying to fill the silence. He glares at me "No". I shrug and yawn I'm still tired from last night. "Try not to fall asleep on the job" Anakin says. I scoff, "I'm not".

"You ever tried to talk to master Yoda about your nightmares?" he asks. I look anywhere but him, uncomfortable "No and I'm not planning on it" I say.

He steps a little closer "why not?" he asks. I look at him "Because he can't help me" I explain. "You don't know that if you don't go " he says.

"I have to deal with this on my own they will go eventually so it's alright" I say a bit annoyed. He sighs and steps back "Okay then". We are only in this room for 4 minute but it feels like 4 hours "when will they be here" I ask. "I don't kno-" but he can't finish his sentence because the door opens.

I look happy to see obi-wan but instead of him and R2 it are droids.

Anakin grabs his lightsaber and begins to dodge the bullets. I elbow one in the face but the other shoves me into the ground and shoots me in the shoulder. I gasp and i feel a terrible pain spreading through my right arm. Anakin notices and kills the final trooper.

The alarm goes off while I'm laying on the ground while holding my arm. "jesus christ I think he broke my ribs" I hiss in pain. "Let me see your arm" Anakin says and he removes my hand from the wound. His face doesn't look good when he looks at it.

We didn't notice Obi-wan and R2 standing in the doorway until we heard a voice.

"Well what happend here?"

Chapter 3 done!!

Let me know if there are any mistakes!

I'm sorry I was a little late to post this.

Thank you so much for reading ily<3

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