Part 8

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2 weeks later

"C'mon he did not say that!" Ella laughs, I shake my head "I swear and I felt very akward but I just smiled" I say grinning. Ella looks at me in disbelief "so what was your answer?". I give her a look "well I said yes?", her jaw drops "oh my god you said yes when Tylo Jinson asked you on a date?". I look at her now pouting "I felt so akward and I just did it and who knows maybe he is nice." Ella frowns "jedi aren't supposed to form attachments you know that". I nod "I know I know but it's just one date it's not like he asks me to marry him", she chuckles "well I wouldn't tell master Skywalker. I roll my eyes "obviously he would probably sent me to another planet."

 Ella smiles" I think it sucks that jedi can't form attachments" she blurts out. I widen my eyes and laugh "I mean like, now I can't ever marry, have children you know form my own little family" she explains. My smile slowly fades "jedi are supposed to focus no distractions is very important Ella", she rolls her eyes "oh please Miss I have a date but it doesn't mean anything but it actually does I just don't want to admit it." My mouth hangs open "Ella!" I scold. "What? You know it's true."

We are sitting in the library across some other tables, "I will have to find an excuse though for my master". "What are you going to say?" she asks. I shrug "I don't know yet but it has to be very convincing because he can sense easily when I lie". She tilts her head to the side "is he still an asshole?". I stare at my hands, truth is I don't really know what to call Anakin's behavior the last couple of weeks. He isn't really a jerk but he isn't a angel either, his behavior towards me has been improved and I can actually have conversations with him without wanting to kill him 24/7. 

But on the other hand we don't really talk at all, he is always very busy and with training it's always cardio and fighting. We aren't friends for sure I mean that night he was very kind, very unlike him so that was a big switch. I mean it hasn't been flawless, I still get pissed off and yes sometimes we still yell at eachother but it's not that often.

I look at Ella "not really", she frowns "well if I were you I would be careful cause he will get mad when he finds out." I nod "I know".


It is currently dinner time and I am eating with Ella and some other padawans on a table. I am staring at across the huge hall because I see Obi-wan and Anakin talking to eachother, Obi-wan laughs at something Anakin says. I have to find an excuse to make his smart head believe me. "Is this seat taken?" I hear . I look up, Tylo stands at the other side of the table. I smile "not at all feel free to sit". He sits down and smiles at me "you haven't changed your mind about tonight?" I shake my head "ofcourse not". "Meet me at 7 pm at the lake" he says, "alright I just have to cancel my night training with my master." "Master Skywalker right? Are you sure? it's okay if you can't tonight". I laugh "I am not scared of Anakin", he raises one eyebrow "Anakin?"


"I mean I am not scared of master Skywalker" I say quickly. "You look pretty" he suddenly says, I feel Ella's head turning. I blush and look at my lap "thank you tylo". He stands up "Alright see you later Y/n" I smile. Ella bumps er elbow in me and smirks. I roll my eyes playfully, "shut up it's nothing".

"Sure" she says. I shake my head and I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look over to where Obi-wan and Anakin are standing, Obi-wan is talking to master Windu and in the middle of them stands Anakin looking at me with a not so happy expression. My heartbeat picks up and stomach is doing weird things, I find that feeling quite annoying. 

I look back to my lap, "alright I've gotta go see you guys tomorrow" I say while standing up. I still feel Anakin's gaze on me and I walk towards the exit.


I walk towards the training hall, I'm just gonna say I am not feeling well and that I'm very tired. I see Anakin standing with his back towards me, when I enter he turns around. "Forgot your lightsaber?" he asks.

I look down and laugh akwardly "yeah about that I'm just here to tell you that I'm feeling quite worn out and a bit sick" I lie. He raises an eyebrow and steps closer, his blue eyes burning into mine. He scans my face "your'e bad at lying you know", my smile drops "I'm not lying I think I ate something bad because I feel nauseous and unless you want me to throw up all over you I suggest that I can skip this training". 

He smirks "I don't believe a single thing you say", I scoff "I am serious!". He laughs "alright alright I was joking, If your'e sick than I understand" his hand find my shoulder and he looks at me with a soft expression "get better soon yeah". I nod, finding it a little difficult to breathe "ofcourse thank you". I turn around and jog away.

I reach the lake, It's already dark and suddenly I hear footsteps. I see a smiling Tylo, "good evening pretty girl" he says while kissing my hand. I laugh akwardly "hey yourself". "Care to take a walk with me?" he asks. I grab his arm "I would love that", we are walking while looking at the lake. "The water looks so magical at this time of night" I say, the water shimmers underneath the moonlight. We stop and Tylo asks "Want to take a night swim?" I shake my head "I would but I can't swim".

It's true I cannot swim I mean it's a little hard to learn how to swim when you lived on a planet without water. He raises his eyebrows "really I didn't expect that" I shrug "Plus it's a little close by the jedi temple maybe a Jedi master will see us and tell my Master." I throw a stone in the water, altough it's dark you can still see the bottom . "The lake is very deep I would drown in a second so no thank you" I laugh. 

Suddenly his grip finds my wrists and it's very tight "uhm Tylo?" I ask nervously. "You know that you are the best Padawan of all right now, you go along on almost with all the missions, you always win with almost all the fights and you're too selfish for leaving us some missions". he says tauntly. "w-what?" I say now scared "let go of me it hurts". He looks at me with an scary smile " you know I can't do that y/n". I try to fight him but before I can react he pushes me with the force straight into the water.

My skin is met with cold water and I gasp and I try to stay above. But I can't I try and I try but I feel myself sinking into the water. I can't breathe anymore and I'm met with darkness.

Cliffhanger sorry :(((

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