Part 4

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"Well what happend here?"

I look up to up to Obi-wan and laugh akwardly. "She got hit", I hear next to me. 

I sigh, "It's alright just give me a second to catch my breath and then we can go further" I say through the pain. Anakin gives me a look "I don't think that's a smart idea since you are slowly bleeding out and didn't mention pain in your ribs?" I am in alot of pain in my wound from the shot I can feel it in my whole body but I really need this mission, I don't want to give up. "Master I can assure you I am perfectly capable to continue this mission." I rip a piece of fabric of my leg and give it to Anakin. 

"Tie this around my wound and we can be on our way again" I hopefully smile. Anakin shakes his head "If I see your face just as twist I'm getting you out of here". I smile in victory "I won't slow you guys down I'll just stay close to R2 and you guys can fight the rest."

Obi-wan holds out his hand for me to grab and I take it. When I'm up I wince in pain silently in my head, Anakin turns around with furrowed eyebrows and opens his mouth to say something but I interrupt him "Let's go". We walk through a dark hallway and I look at windows in the side of the walls. It are all cells with cuffs on the wall, this is probably where he keeps his prisoners. 

"Okay this is where you and R2 stay and wait, R2 you control the opening and closing of the doors" Obi-wan says. I look up to Anakin "When something goes wrong you contact us and don't go wandering off somewhere stay here with R2" he says. "Yes I know see you guys later" 

When the door closes infront of them I sigh and sit against the wall. "You know R2 im perfectly capable to help he just can't see it"

*Beep Beep Beep* 

You are injured Y/n your master is right.

I shake my head in annoyance "So what it's not like I'm shot in the leg I can still walk and run"

* Beep Beep Beep*

You are losing blood you have to take it easy I'm sorry.

( Trigger warning mentions of blood and fainting )

I look at my wound and see the piece of fabric now drenched in blood, I gasp and take it of now seeing that it's bleeding alot more. 

* Beep Beep Beep* 

Keep pressure on it I will inform General Kenobi and Generel Skywalker.

"No no it's alright I can stop the bleeding" I lie, they have to finish this mission Anakin is gonna hate me even more when it has to stop because of me. He'll probably won't let me come along for a long time and all I will get is cardio and reading. 

* Beep Beep Beep* 

Are you sure padawan Y/n?

"Yes I am very sure R2" I smile reassuring. I rip another piece of clothing and wrap it around the wound tightly, "This will last for sure". Suddenly we hear a door opening and I get up and hide fast behind a couple of boxes with R2.  I see three droids walking in and behind them general Grievous. I duck and panic slightly.

"Do you have any idea where they went?" I hear him ask. "No sir all I know is that the Padawan stayed behind with a little droid".

Grievous looks around and coughs, "She can't be far than look for her".

I am starting to feel a little dizzy and notice that I am very much bleeding out. 


"R2" I whisper, "Inform them please it's taking the wrong turn". I see General Grievous croughing down and swiping one of his hands on the floor. He brings it up and looks at it. Oh no that is my blood. I am just noticing I left a track down to exactlt where we are hiding. I see him following the blood and suddenly he looks at me.

Oh oh

"R2 go!" I yell. I grab my lightsaber and stand up, feeling a little lightheaded. He laughs and I see that he has four lightsabers.

"Well well well isn't it Y/n/l, the padawan of the chosen one named Anakin Skywalker" he taunts. "You will look very fine in of of my cells"

"The only one who will be getting in a cell is you" I say. We stand infront of eachother, I step forward and lunge my saber at one of his. I use the force with the strength I still have to block his other lightsaber. Our sabers clash between us and they press against each other with strength. "You are weak", I narrow my eyes in a glare at him. "Where is your matser now to save you huh?"

"I don't need him and you are lucky because if master Skywalker was here he would have destroyed you in a second an-" suddenly I feel the room spinning and It's getting more difficult to breathe. I lose my vision and everything goes black. 


I slowly open my eyes and look around. My head is pounding and my bones are aching. I groan and notice that my hands are above my head, I am indeed in one of Grievous cells.

Are you kidding me.

I have sight of the big window that is attached to the cell, my wound has stopped bleeding and I notice that I don't have my lightsaber on me. Great that fucker stole my weapon ofcourse. The door opens and two droids walk in, one takes my cuffs off the wall and brings takes my wrists. The other points his gun at me "Follow us". They guide me out of the cell and the gun pokes my back, I still feel a little woozy from evrything. What the hell happend anyway? We are walking through the hallway and I wonder what is going to happen, I don't have alot energy to put up a fight. How long was I out for? Where is my master and how do I even get out of here alive?

Suddenly an alarm goes off and red lights appear. We stop walking "you don't make a move understand?" one of the droids sneers. "I understand" I answer. They shove me and I fall on the ground "assholes"I mutter. I look up at the ceiling and see a face staring down at me.


He jumps out and crouches down, concern on his face. "Thank god are you hurt?" his hands cup my face and he scans my body. "What happend? Why are you covered in blood?" he asks now looking at my arm. I never say this but I am glad that he is here, "I was captured, my arm.. I was losing to much blood, he found me and and-". 

"Alright shh it's okay you're safe now" he says now looking in my eyes. "I am so sorry he took my lightsaber and you were right I should have informed you guys way earlier and R2 was also right and-" I'm rambling I'm just so overwhelmed by everything. "It's fine I know-" but I interuppt him. "It's not fine I messed this whole mission up Obi-wan is gonna kill me you are gonna kill me and I don't even-"

"Y/n" he says, "It's not your fault I should've got you out of here the minute you got hit and I shouldn't have left you alone while you were wounded." I look at him and take a good deep breath. "Well if you want to take the blame by Obi-wan I am fine with it". He chuckles "Careful I might convince him that it is your fault. 

I look at him.

"Let's get out of here first"

Hi friends!!! 

Chapter 4 is done let me know what you think so far!!

Thank you so so much for reading and voting ily.

See ya next chapter!

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