Part 10

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Two weeks later


I groan, both exhausted and burning from the sun I try to keep up with training. My master arranged a lesson with practise droids who constantly fire at me with their guns. 

"Again" Anakin repeats after my failed attempt, standing there with a not happy look on his face and his arms crossed. I stand up and huff, "How is this even fair? it's 9 against one", I say. "I'm never going to stand against them". He sighs and halters the droids to take a break, he walks up to me and begins to speak. 

"This is important for in the future, you're lucky I'm not making you do this blindfolded now stop giving up and try again. I brush my hair out of my face and look at him, "I spoke to the other Padawans about this test and they told me they never got this kind of a test, not this unfair". He gestures with his hand to the droids to stand in position again, "your'e correct they haven't" he says.

"What the hell?" I say frustrated, I walk behind him as he walks away from me, ignoring me. Suddenly he turns around and towers over me. "Listen I'm teaching you how to survive, to learn how to fight. I'm giving you a real test instead of a standard jedi lesson. You'll need this in the future trust me , because one day I won't always be there to save you when your'e stuck surrounded by enemies. You will have to know how to defend yourself in every possible situation".

I stand there, not knowing what to say, just looking at his irritated expression. 

"Do you understand me?" he says. I sigh while looking at my feet, "yes I understand" I mumble.

"Look at me". I look up into his eyes. "Do you understand me?" he asks again.

I swallow "Yes I understand". 

"Good now go again"

And so I do, Again, again, again and again. 


I sit at the table in the dining hall, poking at my fruit. Ella sits across me stuffing her face with pancakes.

"I just don't understand him, one day he is nice and the other he is this grumpy, strict master who claims bad things will happen in the future. It's honestly giving me a headache." I say to her.

She chuckles and swallows her bite, "I get it but your'e kind of the luckiest bird of the nest you know" she says. I raise an eyebrow at her "and why is that?" I ask. She laughs quietly "Your Master is the Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen one. I mean hello? He is super talented and might I add super good looking". 

I glare at her, "He's an asshole once you really know him". She looks at me with a knowing smile, "and what you know him?" she asks. I think for a minute, "He's stubborn, possibly bi-polar because that would explain his moodswings, yes I will admit he's very skilled and smart when he has to be. But he's also arrogant, cold and confusing. I don't think he's a very deep person you know" I explain.

"I'd bet you don't even know half of him" she says with a chuckles. I eat my fruit "I don't care I don't even want to know him, he's my master nothing more." "He's around your age, don't you even like him just a little bit?" she asks

"Ella" I say . "Alright alright forget it." she says with her hands up. "He did save you out of that lake though", I sigh and drop my fork "weirdest night of my life, and obviously he did, I don't think the council will appreciate it if he watches his padawan drown."

She shrugs "I'm just saying he was so concerned that night, you should have seen him". I shake my head "It doesn't mean a thing" I say. I look at my watch, 22:30 and stand up "I'm going to sleep".

Ella smiles teasinly, "have sweet dreams about your master". I roll my eyes "bye Ella" I walk towards my room. 

As I walk I see a boy stumbling out of a room with blood on his face, holding his jaw with his hand. I gasp as I see who it is.

Tylo Jinson

What's he still doing here? He sees me and he has a scared look on his face and runs the other way. 


Just when I'm going to continue walking I see another person coming out of the same room. My master, you've got to be kidding me.

"Anakin?" I say, he whips his head towards the direction of my voice. His eyes widen a little, "What are you doing here?" he asks. 

"Was that Tylo Jinson? What's he still doing here and what happend to his face?" I ask instead of answering his question. "He's expelled for good now and he won't be back ever" he says. I feel a kind of relief but still thinking of his face. "Did..did you punch him?" I ask, he smirks while looking at his knuckles that are covered in blood. '' You did punch him" I say now.

He shakes his head "I didn't" he lies. I roll my eyes "Oh come on you expect me to believe that?" I say. He chuckles "Alright I did punch him" he admits. I frown confused "why?". He steps closer to me "because even after what he did to you , the council didn't report him to the republic, he should be in jail, he asked me to see if he can see you" he shakes his head in disgust. "So I gave him a reminder what happens if he touches what's mine" he says

My breath quickens, "Y-yours?" I ask confusing. He smirks, "yeah your'e my Padawan but for what it's worth he won't be coming back anymore.

my cheeks redden a little, hating myself how quick that happens. "Right yeah okay" I say. he looks at me and chuckles through his nose and smirks, he walks past me but whispers something first.

"Goodnight Y/n"

Chapter 10 done!!

I'm back and I'm sorry for dissapearing for so long but thank you so so much for over 500 reads like what?!

I'm super grateful, thank you for reading.

I hope everyone's 2024 is going steady so far. 

Lots of love <3

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