Part 2

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I'm sitting in my bedroom on the end of my bed staring at the wall. It's currently 4 am and i couldn't sleep again, what a surprise. Today im coming along with the mission to arrest general Grievious. I have heard bad stories of him told by my master apperently they fought once before he and Obi-wan. Obi-wan is coming too and i feel kind of relieved because than im not totally alone with Anakin. 

I am not gonna lie im a little bit nervous. I always am besides Ella stayed  last night pretty late in my room so i just got two hours of sleep. Im pretty sure i look like a walking corpse.

I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower. I stick my hand into the running water, feeling the temperature. I look in the mirror my reflection shows dark circles, i sigh and step into the shower. I wash my hair and my body, i physically relax at the hot water running down my muscles. After im done i get out of the shower and start getting ready, i grab my clothes and walk towards my door. 

I open it ready to go to breakfast when suddenly Anakins door opens. I stop and make eye contact with an also tired but half naked anakin. I clear my throat and say "morning what are you doing up so early dressed like that.." he smirks "im gonna work out why are you up so early" he fires back. "I couldn't sleep so im on my way to grab breakfast" i explain. "The hall isn't opening yet for at least half an hour" 

Damnit he's right i forgot

I sigh and turn around and show him a tight lipped smile "you are right i forgot ill just go watch the sunrise good luck with your work out". "Wait can you help me" he says, " No thanks" i smile. "Shut up and come with me" i sigh and walk along with him towards the traing hall. "What exactly do you need my help for besides my wonderful support" i say sarcastically. "Just hold my legs down while ill do sit ups i forgot my weight so your heavy enough to keep them on the ground". Great now i have to sit on the ground touching him while his bare chest almost chrashes into my face the whole time. I sit and i feel kind of intimidated because he has no shirt on. He looks at me and chuckles with a smirk "relax its not like were gonna make out" he says.

"Please stop talking" i reply. Jesus i can't with him its to early for this, he begins to work out and im starting to feel uncomfortable because he is staring at me while he's doing sit ups. 

"66, 67, 68, 69, 70" he counts, "so why can't you sleep?" he asks. "oh my god its just this one night", i really don't want to talk about this especially not with him. He stops and looks at me now his elbow is leaning on his knee beside my hand. "I can sense when you are lying" i give him a look. "just tell me" he says, "why" i ask he shrugs "maybe i can help you". I chuckle "unless you can control my brain i don't think so" he's still looking at me and his two fingers brush some hair strands of my shouder. My stomach does a weird thing and the room seems a little smaller than usual. "Please tell me" he says now on a softer tone. I sigh and give in "I have been having nightmares about my mother the day she died" i look at my hand and continue "she was very sick and was in alot of pain and i couldn't help her, the only thing i could do is watch her suffer and slowly die" i feel my throat tighten and my eyes beginning to feel damp. 

"That sounds dreadfull" i sadly smile "it was". "My mother died in my arms too" he says, i look at him surprised "what really?". "I had nightmares before it that she was in danger and i found her and she was dying" he looks sad "I'm sorry" i whisper. He looks at me "I'm sorry too" i smile a honest smile he's never been so nice to me. He probably realises it and notices how close we are and clears his throat and stands up. "You should go and eat breakfast we have a mission today"he says now in a much colder tone.

"Right see ya" i stand up and walk away i feel is arm lightly brushing mine and i shiver. 

I really need breakfast.


I am sitting on my couch in my room with Ella talking. Anakin will be here in a few minutes to pick me up so we can go to the ship for the mission. "Make sure he doesn't forget his ligtsaber this time" she jokes. I laugh "Such a dumb mistake i wonder what was on his mind what was more important" she looks at me with a playful look "probably one of his hook ups". I roll my eyes playfully "probably" and we laugh together until we hear a knock on my door, it opens and reveals my master leaning agaisnt the side of it. "what are you guys laughing about ?" i stand up and look at him "nothing" i say "hmmm" he hums gosh i think he heard everything but i don't really care actually it's only the truth.

"You ready?" he asks "ready as ever" Ella walks up to me and gives me a side hug "good luck!" I smile she looks up to Anakin "don't let her die". He rolls his eyes and grabs my arm "lets go".

We're walking towards the ship and i smirk "you got your lightsaber?" He sighs and says "shut up weirdo you never gonna let that go aren't you" I laugh "nope". We enter the ship and he sits in the pilot seat and i sit beside him. "Are you ever gonna learn me to fly this thing?" i ask he slightly widens his eyes "hell no". I scoff "What why? Scared im better than you?" he chuckles and says "No one is better then me Y/n" i roll my eyes "you'll never know i might have to save your ass again some day". He shakes his head a little annoyed "its always so cold here are the heaters broken or something?" i ask. i see him looking at me "I don't like it when it's warm in here" i look back at him "well i don't like it when its cold in here" i state. "It's my ship so suck it up"


I yawn im still pretty tired. "It's gonna take a while till we get there you might want to take a nap"he tells me while pressing in some buttons and the ships starts to take off. I hesitate "i don't know" i really don't want to dream again about my mother. I see the soft look in his eyes again just like this morning.

"I'm here ill wake you up the second you start whine in your sleep" i turn to look at him because i think he's sarcastic but he looks serious. I nod and say "okay i'll try" and i close my eyes slowly drifiting to sleep.

I feel somoene shaking my shoulders slightly "Y/n wake up we are here". I open my eyes reaveling my master crouched in front of me and i also feel something warm around me i look down to see a grey blanket upon me. 


"We arrived" he says. "Oh okay is Obi-wan here yet?" i ask "yes lets go". "Wait for how long did i sleep?" i ask he pauses and smiles a little before he answers "Three hours". Wow three hours in a row is new normally i wake up in cold sweat around every hour. But this time i slept peacefully with no nightmares and a blanket around me.

Anakin put the blanket around me.

I smile to myself, i thought he hated me. "What are you smiling about?" he asks. I look at him "nothing" i chuckle. He shakes his head "Come on lets find Obi-wan and R2" 

Oh yeah the mission.

Chapter 2 done!! What do you guys think so far??

 For whoever voted thank you <3

And thank you guys so much for reading ily

Next chapter is very soon!!

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