Part 7

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Well it has been two weeks since I yelled in Anakin's face and I haven't seen him since. He hasn't said a word since I walked away because I heard of Obi-wan he is sent out to a sudden war mission, I have been training with Obi-wan since. I have told him about what I said and I kind of regret what I did but also didn't. It was the truth and he needed to hear it and honestly I think I can kiss my future jedi life goodbye because I am sure he hates me. I don't hope it is going to be that case but I rather live back on shitty tattooine and be sad then being treated like I am the most worthless person alive.

I truly sometimes think Anakin can be a nice person or maybe it's all in my head. I would love to get along with my own master and sure I have all reasons to not like him but I forgive and forgive and he still despises me. I mean he didn't even come that day to say something about our  conversation. 

I am currently sitting eating dinner at the dining hall on my own. Training was good but it wasn't as challenging as when Anakin trains me. I poke at my food with my fork, deep in thought when I suddenly see a person standing infront of me. I look up and clear my throat a bit, "can I help you?" I ask. She smiles akwardly "sorry I don't know if you remember me but we met a few weeks ago when you came out of your room". Right this was the girl where Anakin hooked up with, I sigh and give her a small smile "Oh yeah I remember". She nods "Can I sit with you?" she asks, "Yeah sure" I answer and she sits infront of me smiling. "I know our introduction was under a little weird circumstances I apolegize" she says. I shake my head "It's alright". 

"I didn't mean to creep you out when I said you looked familiar I was just curious and I didn't really think". I look at her and laugh "I understand don't worry", I stick my hand out to her "I am Y/n" I say. She shakes my hand and her eyes widen a bit " I am Narine nice to meet you" I smile to her.

"Where are you from Y/n?" she asks. "I am from tattooine, desert planet" her face frowns "that doesn't sound too lovely". I laugh "trust me it's not I only lived there because my mother wanted too". She chuckles "does your mother still lives ther then?" she asks, I swallow my a bite and feel my stomach drop a bit. "Uhm no she passed away" I answer, her face twists into a pity, schocked look "oh my god I am sorry I didn't mean t-". "It's alright you didn't know" I interuppt her smiling. "And your father..?" she asks hesitantly, "never knew him" I say while drinking some water. "What about your parents?" I ask back.

She sits up "Well I never knew my mother but I guess she is dead and my father is a sithlord so..". 

What the hell?!

"What?" I ask shocked. She smiles sadly "yes I got taken away as soon as possible from him and got raised here to become a nurse pretty fucked up". "I'm sorry" she looks at me "It's alright".

After a beat I say "we should be friends" she nods "I'd like that".


I am in my room getting ready for bed, I jsut got out of the shower and I feel fresh. Suddenly I hear a knock on my door. I freeze and turn around, is it Narine? I walk towards my door and open it. I am getting pulled in a embrace by a pair of strong arms, my head is on somebodys chest and their arms are securly around me. I smell a familiar vanille cologne.

Oh my god

"A-anakin?" I ask. I push myself slighly out of the embrace and my eyes meet a pair of blue eyes. "Hey" he smiles. I look confused at him "You're back?" I am just noticing his eye is a little dark and has a bruise on his head. "Yes just now I need to talk to you" he says. I nod "okay wh-" but he interrupts me. "I thought about what you said and you ar right I am a total asshole who treats you like garbage, when I first heard I needed a padawan I didn't want to. I begged Obi-wan and master Yoda to not give me one, but when I heard you were already on your way I panicked and went away. But truth is it wasn't that I didn't want a padawan it was I was scared that I woudn't be good enough to be a good teacher for you. Everyone says that I'm good at everything and you know the chosen one. But truth is I make so many mistakes and always put everyone at risk I mean yeah sure I save everyone at the end of the day but still. I didn't want to fail you so when I first met you I just acted mean and harsh in hope you didn't want to be my padawan anymore and would leave."

"I am sorry for how I treated you, you are very talented and honestly amazing, yes you are a pain in my ass for most of days but I don't think I would be here were I am now without you. I wouldn't want another padawan and I never want you to get along with missions because when you get hurt it feels that it's on me." 

His eyes are full of emotion, I never seen him so open. "I understand if you want to continue training with Obi-wan but I promise I will be different this time and not take my emotions out on you because you deserve better".  

I stare at him in shock and smile "thank you Anakin". He looks at me and relief washes over his features. "I think you are good at being a master I have learned so much", "really? " he asks.

I nod "Yes and thank you for being honest this time". He smiles and is hands are still on my shoulders. "But you look you need to be patched up and sleep". He laughs like actually laughs "the mission was pretty rough".

"C'mon I'll clean you up" I say while dragging his wrist towards my bathroom. "Are you sure I can go to the medical wing". "The medical wing is closed right now and you'll have to sleep with pain and I am not gonna let that happen so come on" I say. 

"Alright then" and he lets me drag him wit me. he sits on the edge of the bathtub and I smile.

I am glad he was honest this time.

Hii guys another update because I just hit over two hunderd reads!! Thank you sooo much <3

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See ya next chapter!!

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