Part 9

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 I hear a voice. "Wake up c'mon" That voice, I know that voice. I feel strength and I begin to choke on water, I open my eyes and cough the water out. " Thank god I- somebody get her a real towel!" I open my eyes and I see Anakin's concerning face infront of me, his hair is damp and his clothes are soaked. "C-cold" I manage to say, "i-it's cold" it is freezing cold and I am shaking really badly.

He grabs my hands and brings them up to his mouth, blowing warm air into them. His hands find my shoulders and rub them up and down, creating some warmth. " you're gonna be okay, you're safe now" he says. I feel a warm towel around me and I see Obi-wan smiling down at me. "What happend?" I ask, Anakin looks at me with a sad expression " you drowned y/n" I widen my eyes. " What were you doing anyways by the lake I thought you were sick and you can't even swim" Anakin asks. Suddenly I feel super guilty that I lied to him, I took his trust for granted and I messed up. " Please just get me inside first" I plead, he nods and his arms hook under my legs and my arms find his neck. I lay my head against his chest and I can feel his fast heartbeat.

"I'll bring you to your room and then we'll get you in some warm clothes" Anakin says. We reach my room and the door opens, he carries me into the bathroom and sets me down. My muscles feel like they can't work for much longer and I'm so tired. 

"Here put these on" Anakin says, he's holding a small pile of clothes. I unfold a piece and it's a white knitted sweater and with it are a pair of socks and sweatpants. I smile "thank you", he gives me a small one in return. His eyebrows frown and his face turns into a worried expression.

"How did you get these?" he asks, I look down and see that he is holding my wrists. My wrists have purple bruises on them. And then I remember, I remember Tylo throwing me in the water, leaving me to drown. I start to breathe harder and my eyes get teary, "Anakin please do not get mad I'm so sorry I-", "breathe hey hey breathe" he interuppts me while rubbing his thumb over my hand. "I lied, I lied to you and I messed up" I say while a small sob leaves my lips. He looks a bit confused "what do you mean you lied, shh breathe through your nose ". I take a deep breath "I told you I was sick but I wasn't and a few days ago somebody asked me on a date but first I wanted to say no but I felt a little bad and I just wanted to expierence somebody who was interested in me." I say. His face doesn't exactly hold a happy expression and he looks at our hands, deep in thought.

He doesn't say anything so I might as well continue "So he asked me to skip training and meet me at the lake, first he was really sweet and we talked and he asked me if I wanted to a night swim and I told him I couldn't swim and he said it was alright but then.." I hesitate, the memory coming back to me. "Then what, tell me y/n" he pushes, I look into his eyes "then he told me that I was too selfish because I took all the missions and wouldn't leave an oppotunity for any other padawans. He said he needed to take care of that and his hands holded my wrists"

Anakin's face turns in to a painful expression, almost angry. "I know that what comes next sounds really dumb but everything I wanted to do punch him, push him just defending myself I- I couldn't. I just froze out of fear I think, It was so sudden and he pushed me with the force far into the water."

I look down "I took your trust for granted I am so sorry Anakin" I am crying now, dissapointed in myself. 

"Who was this?" he asks and I see his jaw clenching. "Anakin what are you going t-" I say but he iterrupts me "Who did this tell me now" he demands. I look at our hands before I say "Tylo Jinson". He lets out a sort of chuckle but it sounds like a scoff. "That piece of shit hurted you?" he asks, I nod "Im so sorry master I swear I won't ever make this mistake again". "Y/n I don't care that you lied I care that he tried to kill you and think he can get away with it." he says.

I am beyond surprised "really?". His head turns to me, "I am glad I found you, and I will find him because if he even thinks he can get away with trying to kill my padawan he's even dumber than he looks."

"Thank you for saving me" I say, he lets out a small laugh "isn't that what I always do". I roll my eyes and smile, I push his shoulder lightly and wrap my arms around him giving him a hug. He seems surprised but wraps his arms around me too, his chin resting on my head. "And tell Obi-wan that I thank him too", he nods "ofcourse. 

"Alright I think I am gonna go to bed" I say while standing up. He helps me towards my bed and even tucks me in. He smiles down at me "he won't hurt you again, I won't let that happen" he says. "I know you will" I say while looking in his blue eyes, his face is actually perfect he is so-.

Shut up y/n don't think like that

"If you need anything I am just in the next room okay?" he says, I nod while closing my eyes "thank you". I feel a small kiss on my forehead and my breath hitches in my throat.

I hear the door closing and he is gone.

Chapter 9 done, thank youuu for reading I hoped you liked it!!

Let me know if there any mistakes Love you guys <3

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