Part 11

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Alot of sand. Me and my Master are on tatooiine for business, well technically he is. Wouldn't tell me anything about it when I asked. I don't see the point of me being here when I don't have to do anything with it. He basically dropped me off at this poor small village with old people, told me to make myself usefull and that he'll be back the next day. 

So here I am, half sitting in the sand and digging holes for this old lady because she has special plants or something. Crazy really because it's the fucking desert, too Hot to grow anything if you ask me.

I sigh and wipe my forehead with the back of my hand, I look up at the lady sitting on a small bench against her house. "With all due respect ma'am I don't think your plants will survive in this heat and I don't think we should be outside this hour of the day" . The lady just waves at me, " it's okay child my plants cannot survive without the heat, they need it" she says. I sigh "alright then ".  I continue digging. The lady gives me a plant, I put it in the middle of the hole I made. I look at her and say "why doesn't it need water?". 

She softly smiles at me, "It does need water but only once in two months, they are called Snakas." I raise an eyebrow "that's an odd name". The lady chuckles "well it's a odd plant". I smile "touché".

She looks at me and studies my face for a couple of seconds before she asks "where are you from child?". I chuckle "here", she looks surprised "you are from here?". I nod at her, "well atleast you got out of here I have been here my whole 80 years of life" she says. I frown at her "were you a slave?" She shakes her head, "thank god I wasn't I have lived here in this village all this time, my parents packed up one day and told me they were going to look for a better place so our family could have a better life". She sighs and looks sadly to the ground, "they never came back, I thought they died, turns out they did go look for a better place but only for themselves".

I put my hand on her shoulder "I'm so sorry you didn't deserve that." She sadly smiles at me "I am happy for you that you got away from this hell of a planet, a jedi that is very impressive".

I laugh shyly, "well I'm only still a Padawan so..".  She smiles at me "I'd say that that is most impressive". I feel a little emotional at her words I don't really know why. I clear my throat a little before I say "thank you".


It's been four days and still no sign of my Master. I'm sitting at the table of the nice lady, Marianne is her name. I anxiously toy with my hand, I don't even know why I am so worried I'm sure he is fine plus I couldn't really care less if he lays down in a ditch I just want to get off this planet. It are probably the memories that give me this feeling. I am wearing one of her old dresses since I didn't really pack anything. 

I sigh and look out of the window. Suddenly Marianne comes walking into the room with a smile, "good news! Your boyfriend is on his way." I almost choke on the water I was drinking, "Boyfriend?" I say horrified. "You mean my Master", she looks at me with a funny expression " oh sorry sweetheart I thought he-", she can't finish her sentence because there is a knock on the door. She smiles at me and walks up to it, when the door opens it reveals ofcourse my annoying Master. "Aah lovely Master Anakin come in come in!" she says. He smiles politly at her "No need ma'am just here to pick up my Padawan, I hope she didn't give you any trouble". I try not to roll my eyes when I grab my jacket. Marianne laughs "oh no she was very helpful and I quite enjoyed her company, are you sure you don't want to stay a little bit?"

I feel kind of bad for her she must be lonely. I walk up to her, "thank you for your kindness and hospitaly". She kisses my cheek "If you ever come back here on this planet don't be shy and drop by" she says. I nod to her and smile "I promise".

She pulls me into a hug and whispers into my ear "don't let that handsome man slip to your fingers darling". I feel my cheeks heaten yp and I pull away. I just smile at her "Goodbye", I turn to Anakin. He looks at me "shall we?" I nod and we walk out.

When we are a little further from the village I slap his arm. "Hey! what was that for?" he says, I keep looking forward and say irritated "You left me there you prick, you said it was only a day I didn't know when you were coming back." He stops with walking "something came up and I had to stay longer, relax will you." 

I stop with walking too and say"Relax?!, you took me here with no explanation, I have no idea why I had to come with anyway since you don't tell me anyhting ever. I had no extra clothes or whatever and I had no idea where you were. You know how frustrating that is". 

He sighs"Look I should have sended a message when I realised it would take longer okay?". I look at him and put my hands on my hips "Yeah you should have, and you also should have told me where you were."

He smirks "worried about me were you?". I groan "I am serious!" I say, "alright alright I'm sorry okay" he says. I nod and turn again to continue walking.

 I hear him chuckle, "That grandma dress looks cute on you though". 

"shut up"

He laughs as we walk further. 

Chapter 11 done!!

Thank you so much for reading!

And THANK YOU so so much for more than 1k reads aaaah.

I'm very grateful, again thank you.

Stay safe and dont forget to vote ily <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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