Hunter Archer // the preparation.

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I wake up with a frustrating mind -again- I'm looking at the window that's made of wood, painted in white color.

How funny is it me who's daydreaming or I'm the one who smells? The smell of my brother's alcohol perfume are all over the room. I assume both are the answer.

It's already dark. How long that I've been asleep? I throw out my blanket on the floor and trying to get out from my bed without falling down like the last time I did.

What time is it? I open my drawer one by one trying to find my one and only watch, "Where is it?! where's my watch?!".

Stupid Mercuria, you couldn't even remember where you put your watch..

My body is getting sweating, I've try to find my watch all over the place until it turns into a mess like you just held an awesome party where everybody you invited were drunk and just crash the place into a chaos.

But still, i couldn't find it. So I decided to check it on my phone since I'm getting more piss than ever--

Bloody hell who cares about that stupid watch? I'm not gonna let that watch ruin my day!.

I turn on my IPhone that has many stickers of cats on it. I'm the type of animal lovers thought- and OH MAN!, I forgot to charge my phone!

Urgh..i wasn't so happy with my preparation can't get any worse right? Maybe I should just go take my towel and have quick shower,

A nice shower can clear up your heavy minds right? But again, I'm doing a stupid thing. I forgot to turn on the hot water so I'm technically freezing right now because i just clean myself with a cold water.

My body is shivering, but what else i could do? I think I'm too late to go to my new awesome campus. When I dried my body with a towel, I race walking instead of running into my bedroom cause it gets ugly here if someone falls.

I'm too lazy to choose what kind of clothes should I wear so I just going to pick up whatever i sees on my room.. and the available clothes is only a cardigan and a jumpsuit.




Before I go to my awesome campus, I started to imagine what kind of plan I have for today in my brain while making my favorite toast and eat it,

But..i got nothing at all.

Seriously what wrong with you today Mercuria? This is so unlike you. Is it because you started to hang out with the boy who's completely a stupid jerk or something? It doesn't matter, I should start running now and focus before I'm late to re-register.

"Mercuria,Wait! where are you going?" ask Latoya who's awake from her sleep. "To the university of course!,Bye!!" I say in a rush, and leave the apartment without closing the door.

"'s still 5 in the morning.."


Today I had something important that i had to take care of at my university, -since i always forgot to do it-, Thanks to my roommate, Latoya, who always reminds me to re-register at my campus from the day i arrived at Amsterdam.


I have finally arrive at my awesome university, On the moment when I saw the building, I felt hopeless, because the university has already been closed. I start to cry, one by one my tears were falling to the ground.

It's too late for me to re-register now. What I could do? All I wanted is to study in this university but know I lost my chance. what will I say to my parents?.

MercuriaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang