141. Parade

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After we eat we go to the parade spot. I run all over with Thora, Tye, Johen, and Luke. It's a whole festival and the parade must be later. Dipak ends up holding Ana while we play games and eat everything we can find. I watch him for awhile. He just holds her like she belongs in his arms. He goes on with everything he would have done anyways. Just, now he's carrying a baby. If she gets fussy, she bounces her a bit or points something out. Mason walks over and hands him a bottle. Dipak looks at me and winks.

"You might want to look somewhere else before you get pregnant staring at him."

I look at Thora and we both crack up laughing. "I guess I was staring quite hard."

"Yea your eyes are black."

"I'll stop looking."

She nods and we go over and play a game. The next time I look, Mason has Ana. He's standing there talking to a couple men we don't know. He's just as good with her. He looks at me and smiles. Then Thora pokes me in the arm. "Stop doing that."

"SORRY." I spin around.

"If you want a reason to not have a baby right now. Look at those idiots."

I look over at a viewing platform and Tre, Tye, Johen, and Luke are climbing up the outside of it. Well Tre is climbing up it with a bucket of water. I guess he's trying to put the fire out that they started on top of it. I stare at them in disbelief for a minute. I turn around to yell for Mason. I don't know where the rest of them are. He's sitting in a chair with Ana looking right at the boys. I look back and Dipak and Marcus are top. They got the fire put out. They both look mad as hell though.

They come down the steps and both of them start yelling at the boys. Marcus grabs Luke's arm and starts taking him somewhere. Dipak grabs Tye and Johen and pulls them with him. I don't know where he's going either.

Tre walks over to us. "Those idiots started that thing on fire while they were on it."

"Where did they take them?"

"I don't know. I think they were just making them go back to the resort. Do not get in trouble tonight."

"Good thinking. What were they even thinking? These people could have been hurt."

"I don't know. They obviously weren't thinking."

Nik and Elek walk up to us. "What happened?"

Thora points. "The boys lit that thing on fire."

Nik starts laughing. "They are all gonna get their asses beat now."

Elek nods. "Well that was stupid."

Thora starts laughing. "She was thinking about how much she wants a baby. Then those idiots did that."

They all laugh and Tre kisses my head. "Someday baby."

Nik nods. "We should wait at least a little bit."

Elek laughs again. "Until people stop getting their asses beat anyways."

I roll my eyes. "The boys aren't going to let Dipak beat them."

Elek looks at me. "You'll be surprised what a boy will let happen so his dad doesn't find something out. You have to deal with the physical punishment then the mental and emotional 1. Knowing you let your dad down is horrible."

"Right. My dad was brutal though."

We walk up on a hill a bit and sit down. Elek and Nik go to get us drinks before the parade starts. Tre goes over and sits with Mason. Thora walks over to Mason to get Ana for the parade. Luke comes up and sits down beside me. I can tell he's trying to stop crying and he sits awful slow and easy. His dad spanks hard though. I feel bad for him.

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