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Calum fucking Hood.

Mom slightly tugged me over to the two. She excitedly hugged my uncle and smiled. My mouth was still hanging open as I looked at Calum. He was actually my cousin. I couldn't believe it.

"Darling close your mouth. You'll catch flies" mom said. I closed my mouth and stared.

"Hi. I'm Calum" he finally introduces.

"I know" I say. Mentally cursing for making that sound like I'm a stalker. He chuckles.

"Okay so let's show you guys your new place" my uncle says. I have yet to know his name. They help my mom and I grab our bags and drag them out to their car. Our car should be here in a week. We are having it shipped on a boat. Yay. Note sarcasm.

We all get into the car and my mom and uncle talk and talk and talk. But Calum stays in his phone and I stare out the window listening to music. "This is gospel" by Panic! At the Disco comes on. I slightly nod my head to the beat. We get to a small gate and my uncle presses a button on the visor and it opens. We drive inside and a beautiful medium sized yellow house comes into view, surrounded my lilies and tulips and roses and marigolds and forget me nots and tons of other flowers. I love flowers. I take out my earbuds and stare at the view. I smile when the car stops and rush to get out. I grab my suitcase and run inside. I go up the stairs and see 3 rooms. Obviously one is my moms and one is mine. So the other should be a guest room.

I open a random door and my moms bed is later there with everything all set up and put away. Moms room.

I then open the room door next to it and see a bed with white sets and empty dressers and an empty night stand. Basically everything is empty. The only thing the bathroom has is some white towels and toilet paper. Guest room.

I finally get to my room and open the door. I see all of my stuff set up and my box of posters and pictures set nearly on my bed. I asked them to leave those so that I could hang them up myself. I grab out all my posters and hang them up exactly how I want them. They are all 5SOS. Hopefully Calum is never in my room. Just then, someone knocks on my door. I shout 'come in' and Calum walks in. Shit. He looks at my walls and chuckles. I roll my eyes and hang up the pictures that I have. A couple on my vanity mirror and the rest on my wall. I take out the picture frame in the box. The only picture frame I have. The picture is me, my mom and my dad. My dad died a year ago. He fought in the war and was reported KIA. Killed in action. I cried for months. Then my mom told me we were moving and the crying just stopped. I haven't cried in a month, since she told me. Maybe it was the house. Maybe stating there brought me the memories that I wanted to forget. Yeah. Let's just go with that.

Calum sits fm down on my bed as I throw the clothes in my suitcase in my hamper and put all my bathroom stuff in my bathroom. Yeah. I have a bathroom in my room. I've never had that before. It's awesome!

"So. How about we get to know each other?" Calum suggests. I nod. Can't be that bad. I mean the guitarist from my favorite band is my cousin. I could get used to this.

Calum and I then spent 5 hours telling each other stuff about ourselves and laughing. Then we told a bunch of funny stories. We both told or whole life stories too. It was as if I knew him his old life. He got to telling me about the boys in the band. As in Luke, Ashton, ad Mikey. (P.s. Glad your okay Mikey!!!!) I laughed at all the stories he told me. Eventually, it ended up getting to 10 PM.

"Calum! Let's go!" My uncle called from downstairs.

"I've got to go Elle. I'll call you tomorrow and give you our address so you can meet the boys" he says. I nod. I type my number in his phone and he does the same to mine. We both say goodbye once more and he leaves. I smile to myself. Time to get a good rest for tomorrow. I go and brush out my hair in the bathroom and remove my makeup. I get on my green and black plaid pajama shorts and my '#nofilter' muscle top. I grab a black sports bra and put all that on. I throw my long brown hair in a high ponytail and get in bed. I turn off my lamp and shout "goodnight" to my mom. She shouts it back as well and I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

••Next Morning••

I wake up to my phone ringing. I lazily answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey. Ive been trying to call you for an hour. What's up?" Calum asks. I look at the clock.

"Sorry. I'm usually sleeping until 3. It's only 11. Now I'm going to be crabby" I whine.

"Boo Hoo. Now get dressed and be here by one. I'll text you the address" he says. I hang up and groan. What a butt.

I get up out of bed and go to the bathroom. I took a shower and then blowdried and straitened my hair. I get on a Panic! At the Disco muscle top and some black ripped skinny jeans. I apply some mascara and eyeliner. I put on some white eyeshadow and foundation. Once I'm all ready I put my phone in my back pocket along with $20 and head out to the address Calum gave me.

Once I got there I knocked. I heard a faint 'come in' and I walked in. I got a text that said "we are downstairs :)" and I walked downstairs. My heart almost shattered at what I saw. Luke making out with.....Angie? I thought he didn't have a girlfriend! And then now he's here making out with my "best friend"!!!! How did she even get here?! She was back in New York when I left!

Before I knew what I was doing, I ran back upstairs with Calum shouting my name. I ran out of the house ad down the street and through some woods. I didn't even know where I was but it was away and that's all that mattered. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. I stopped in front of a big willow tree. I climbed up to the top. It had really thick branches so I was safe. I look out into the distance and saw the ocean. It was beautiful.

Well, I guess I just found my getaway place.

Calum Hood's cousinWhere stories live. Discover now