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All about that bass -Megan Trainor
Time to start day 1 of parenthood.

Luke and I wake up to crying. We both groan. Trevor's up. I look at the clock and it's 5:00 AM. Great. Luke has to go soon. Yeah. He hasn't really been home my whole pregnancy. He's come home every once in a while every month. They were still on tour after all. But now, he has to get up in an hour to get ready for a meeting that schedules more tour time. Since the boys missed shows in certain countries, they now have to go back and do shows in them. So I have to spend Trevor's first three months without Luke. He hates it but it's his job and he needs to do it. I tell Luke to go back to sleep and I pick up Trevor and rock him. He doesn't really want to sleep so I walk him around the house. He looks at everything with wonder and I slightly giggle. Cute baby boy. Trevor starts to cry again and I smell his diaper. He needs it changed. Bad. I take him to his room and the changing table and lay him down. I change his diaper and dress him into some cute little dark blue sweat pants and a little dark blue jacket with a dark blue onesie under it all. I put some fuzzy socks on his feet. I go down to the kitchen with him and make him a bottle. I go back upstairs to our room and sit down on the bed next to Luke. I look at the time. He has to get up. It's 6:00. I shake Luke and he groans but gets up when he sees Trevor. I smile at Luke as he holds Trevor's hand. I tell Luke to go get ready while I feed Trevor. He nods and goes into the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on and his angelic singing. After I feed Trevor I burp him and he falls asleep. I place him in his bouncer with his blanket and turn on Happy Feet. As we had hoped, he loves penguins. It's adorable. I quickly go and brushy hair and put on some sweats and a tank top. No need to get ready when I'll just be home all day anyway. After about half an hour into Happy Feet, Luke comes out of the bathroom. I smile as he kisses me. He starts to become more needy and pushes me onto the bed as he climbs on top of me. I giggle as Trevor starts crying.

"My own kid is a cock block. Greeat" Luke groans and gets up to grab Trevor. I kiss him goodbye as he hands him to me. I rock Trevor to help him sleep and he falls asleep in my arms. I'm not even going to bother putting him in the bouncer. Luke leaves and I fall asleep with my baby in my arms.

I wake up to Trevor crying and I look down at him. I sigh and feed him and change him. Then I give him a bath. He's back asleep and this time he stays asleep for a couple hours. Thank goodness. Oh! And if your wondering what happened to El, she went back on tour with the 1D lads because I had Luke. But now since Luke is leaving for a couple months, she's coming back. Yay.

•9 months later•

Okay change of plans. Luke didn't come back after three months. He actually came back after 4. Then he spend about a month with us and then was told he had to go on another headlining tour to talk about their new album being released. So now here I am. With my 9 month baby Trevor, waiting at the airport for Luke to be home. He comes back today. I know. Long story short. But really nothing has happened. Trevor starts babbling a little bit so now be just says "ayaya" to everyone. The only two letters me knows how to pronounce. Oh. He does know how to say "m" and "d." So he's getting really close to mama and dada. It's cute. He is also still teething. And he's trying to crawl. The doctor said that most of his teeth should come when he's around 1. But some could come in around 9 or 10 months. And then he should start crawling within the next week. Anyway back to Luke.

I see them coming off the plane.

"Luke!" I shout. I'm not going to run. I'm holding Trevor. He looks over and drops his bags. He runs over to Trevor and I and carefully engulfs is both in a hug. Trevor laughs and smiles at Luke as Luke picks him up and spins him around.

"Is he crawling yet?" Luke asks. I shake my head.

"Good. I want to be there to see him" Luke smiles. I smile as well and kiss Luke. We're not married yet we act like a married couple. And I love it. The rest of the boys come over and hug me and then take turns holding Trevor. We all finally decide to go back to Luke's parents place so that's they can see Trevor and so we can celebrate them coming home. Oh yeah. Another thing. Calum got a girlfriend, her name is Lexi and they are really happy. She's not here though because she had work. But she's going to be at Luke's parents house. We all get in our cars and drive to Luke's parents. They greet us and basically Liz takes over the parent role of Trevor for a little bit. Fine by me.

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