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This is going to be a looooooong night.

Turns out, the night wasn't that long. I got to know Mali and Joy a little more. Finally learned that my uncles name was Dave. Secretly admired Luke's hotness and then ended up at home by midnight. Not that long. But the morning sucked.

I woke up at noon. Around 11 hours of sleep. No biggie. I then hear my ringtone go off, indicating that someone was calling me. I look at my caller ID and its Luke.

"Hello?" I answer. He sniffs.

"Elle?" He asks. Sounds like he's been crying!

"Luke. Are you okay?! What happened?!" I ask worried.

"Angie.....she was cheating on me. She used me. I guess now I know what it feels like. I just need a friend" he sniffs.

"I'm on my way Luke. Don't do anything stupid" I tell him. He says he won't and then hangs up. I quickly jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom. I brush my hair and my teeth and then apply deodorant and some mascara. I quickly run out of my house and run to Luke's. I made sure to grab my phone before I ran out. I was still in my pajama shorts and tank top and bra but I needed to get to Luke. Something about him....it just pulls me in. When I get to Luke's house I run in and up to his room. He's laying on his bed face down in his pillow. His chest is rapidly moving up and down. I'm guessing he's crying.

"Luke?" I softly ask. His head shoots up from his pillow and he runs towards me. He engulfs me in a hug and we just stand there like that. Him silently crying into my shoulder and me holding onto him.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"For what?" He asks once he calms down.

"For what she did...." I say.

"Calum told me everything. About you two. About me and her. And even.....about me and you..." He says slowly. I mentally curse and make a mental reminder to kill Calum later.

"Oh...." I say.

"It's okay. I feel the same way. It's weird. I've never felt this way about a girl before...ever....and I know Calum told you about my flings...so you should know. No girl except for my mom, has ever seen me cry. And you have. And you came running over. Thank you" he finishes. A big goofy grin is plastered on my face. I cuddle into his chest.

"Your welcome" I say. He pulls me over to his bed. I start to get nervous until we both lay down and cuddle. This is nice. About an hour goes by and we both fall asleep.


I wake up, alarmed at first, but then relax once I feel Luke cuddle closer. I then think "I have to get changed." I try to wiggle out of Luke's grasp. It doesn't work.

"Luke" I poke his cheek. He grunts.

"Luuuuuuuke" I poke his cheek again. He opens his eyes and then shuts them again.

"Luuuukkkkeeeeeyyyy" I say once more. He grunts again and stays sleeping. I know there is only one thing left to do. I kiss his cheek. He wakes up and scoots away from me. What?

"What are you doing?!" He shouts. I flinch. He's scary when he's mad.

"Well....I thought you liked me so I kissed your cheek to make you move" I said simply.

"Me? Like you? That's funny. Where did you get that from?" He snarls.

"You told me you...." I start off.

"I could never like you. Let alone love you. Your lucky I even noticed you. I'm Luke Hemmings, your just a normal girl" he barks. It's then, when I feel the tear drop. No. Not now. I haven't cried for a month I'm not starting now! But it was too late. The tears started streaming faster then ever before. It came to the point where I couldn't breathe. I tried to slow it down but it didn't work. I took a deep breath and that worked a little bit. A very very tiny amount. But at least now I could breathe. Luke's face started to soften up and he came a little closer to me trying to hug me.

I jumped off his bed and ran to the door. He ran after me and pinned me against it. I kneed him in his balls and he dropped to the floor.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. I FUCKING HATE YOU. ALL YOU WERE TRYING TO DO WAS GET IN MY PANTS! CALUM WAS RIGHT. I NEVER SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED YOU. JUST FUCK OFF!" I yell at him and run out of his room, down the stairs, and out of the house. I run all the way home (like a piggy!!! Sorry...).

When I get home I sit in my room and sob. My phone buzzes. I hesitate before I look at it. Ashton. Thank goodness. I need to talk to someone that doesn't hate me, is my cousin, or is probably dying his hair at the moment.

"Hello?" I answer it.

"Elle? Are you okay? You sound like you have been crying!" He says alarmed.

"I will tell you about it later" I say.

"How about over coffee? Starbucks in 30?" He asks. I smile. Not a fake one. A real genuine smile. And it's great.

"Yeah. Sounds like a plan. See you soon ash" I say and hang up. Now time to NOT look like I just died. I go change into my nirvana muscle shirt. Light blue jean shorts. My flip flops and my "I'm so fancy" beanie. I walk into the bathroom and wash my face. I re-apply some mascara and lip gloss. I grab my phone and $10 and leave to go meet Ashton. When I get there, he's waiting outside for me. I go up and hug him. We go inside and he orders his drink and I decide to order a Carmel Mocha frap with the whip cream in the middle. We go sit down after we get our drinks and he looks at me.

"So, why have you been crying?" He asks. I tell him everything. Starting from the time I got here till now. He ends up getting up and hugging me.

"Hey, I have an idea!" He says a little too loud. I laugh and gesture for him to go on.

"Let's make him jealous!" He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"We can fake date!"

"I don't know Ashton..."

"Oh come on Elle! It will be fun! And when he's finally jealous, and wants you, we can 'break up'"

"I just don't like the whole 'fake dating' thing. What if he finds out?"

"Okay so then we can real date. Just we will take things a little faster"


"Like we could hold hands and cuddle and go on romantic dates and kiss. You know, stuff like that. When your with Smash, anything can happen" I chuckle at Ashton. He's so weird. But it's a really good weird.

"Okay. Deal" I say and smile. He smiles too.

"Now, girlfriend, let's go to Calum's place so that we can tell them. We have band practice in 15 minutes and I guess Calum has great news."

"Okay, boyfriend" I giggle. He grabbed my hand and we walk to Calum's. Laughing and talking about how we're going to plan this out. I have a boyfriend. This is great!

When we get to Calum's place, we just walk in and go down to the basement. All the boys, even Luke, are sitting down and playing FIFA. They all stop and stare at our hands.

"Elle and I are dating!" Ashton says cheerfully. I smile at him. Next thing I know, his lips are on mine for a split second. I smile again. I like Ashton. I really do. But I love Luke. And that's why we need to do this.

All the boys look stunned. Then, Calum and Mikey cheer and Luke looks PISSED.

I think our plan is working.

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