Chapter Seven ✩ Are you Happy?

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It was a warm weekday morning. Four students sat in the classroom across from their proctor. Each incurious about his words in their own ways. After being completely attentive the previous week of class, Kanae had slacked into the new school environment.

She had rested her cheek into the desk staring at Shoko who had Gojo's glasses on and was wiggling her body like a snake being summoned out of a basket. Kanae muffled a laugh watching her movements.

"Kurosawa, you are aware that you are extremely behind, correct?" Yaga sensei stood before her desk judging her disinterest.

Compared to the other students, she had to put more work in if she wanted to stand side by side with the.

"I am completely aware Yaga sensei." Her eyes tilted up, "I'm just mentally exhausted right now."

Lifting her body up, she propped her elbows on the desk whilst resting her head on her hands.

"Maybe I wasn't as clear yesterday, but we sought for you because—"

"—because you wanted my curse technique." She completed his sentence. Those words she had heard over and over again.

Geto and Gojo themselves had to remind her of that many times. Both urging her to get stronger before she's left in the dust.

Sighing he shook his head. "Yes, but that wasn't the main reason. The higher ups are convinced that your cursed technique might be one of those techniques that can rival almost any technique, specifically Gojo's. Now being completely aware that your brother is working for chaos in this world of curses and weaponizes your technique as well—"

Realization washed over Kanae. She sat up straighter now bringing attention fully to her Sensei. "I see. You recruited me to be an experiment. I'm going to be used to help these sorcerers overcome my cursed technique. That makes me feel a whole lot better about myself."

Her eyes fell on the table. Of course I have been recruited to be used.

Yaga sensei paused. "Not necessarily. We think you would be best to defeat him."

"What? Me?"

"Her?" Gojo poked his head up now intrigued by the conversation. "How can we trust someone who can barely handle her cursed technique? She's pretty weak if you ask me Sensei."

Kanae rolled her eyes at Gojo's words while their sensei glared at him forcing him to straighten up.

"Yes her. No one is perfect when they first used their cursed techniques. Not everyone is like you and Geto, Gojo."

Not everyone was specially gifted like Gojo or was born talented like Geto. Most people needed to work for what they had. Unfortunately it meant Kanae would have to work the hardest out of all four of them.

"We can take care of her troublesome brother then." Gojo announced.

"Not gonna happen. Just because Kurosawa isn't best equipped to use her cursed technique, doesn't mean her brother is a walk in the park. He's on another level. Since it's a cursed technique that breaks you down from the inside, it's not that simple." Yaga focused his attention back on Kurosawa. "You can't slack off. Right now everything seems easy, but things will surely change. Once your brother is aware of what is happening here, I'm sure things won't be easy anymore."

Kanae sighed. What he's saying is that I might be a target for my brother's antics. That's greaaat. I need to get stronger.

"Fuck me." Kanae groaned completing her workout set.

It was like a fire lit under her after Yaga sensei spoke. She immediately made her way to the gym at the school after the day full of classes. She knew she wasn't that strong and what was apparent to her was that she didn't want to be dependent on others. She wanted to learn how to stand on her own.

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