Chapter Twenty ✩ More

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Reaching for the tallest lengths of a shelf, Kanae huffed in frustration. Even on her tippy toes, she was not worthy enough to seize the elegant product at the top.

Stepping back, her back eased into a hard and grander figure.


"Need a hand?" Effortlessly, he reached for the purse on top while stabilizing her at the hip with his other hand.

"I guess..." Hues of pink crept onto her cheeks as her back rested on the fore of her mighty helper.

The luxurious good dangled in front of her as Gojo flicked the price tag, his eyes bulging disturbed at its worth.

"So this is where your pay checks are going? They didn't recruit you to blow it off on some Vucci bag." Gojo eyed the bag still a bit winded from the price. "You sure you want this?"

Kanae nodded aggressively. "I work hard for my money. I've wanted this for so long!"

As her fingertips brushed against the delicacy, he immediately hiked it in the air. She pouted turning to him as he crooked his head amused at her choice to plead for the product.

In most circumstances, she would give him a piece of her mind. In this case, the one thing she could agree with was that he had her beat in height.

"Tsk tsk now." He emitted a light chuckle as she curled her fingertips towards the bag. "With something this expensive, what will you even do with it? This is a dumb financial decision."

She puffed her cheeks out. "What are you? My dad?"

"I mean I can be your da—"

Immediately, she marched away from his tomfoolery as his laugh echoed behind her. She had definitely walked herself into that one. He didn't hesitate to ascend the levels of embarrassment through his boisterous tone.

He followed her to a new section of the store. Sets of bags coating another wall, each followed with a perturbed upscaled price. Unfortunately none had made her eyes twinkle as the one he cradled in his arms.

Teasing the bag once again, she sulked.

"It's still a stupid transaction to do. It's a damn bag that will look terrible by next week." Gojo pictured the product leaving the shop pristine only to sign its death certificate deciding to go home with Kanae.

"You're mean!" She crossed her arms turning away. "At this point, I don't want it! You've fondled with it long enough."

She waved him off mustering the strongest stone-faced expression she could hold. He saw the sudden wave of stoicism eluding from her which he knew was an act. Behind her pretty plum eyes, she was fuming and whining from how she really lost a Vucci bag to Gojo.

Coming up behind her, he balanced the purse on her head allowing it to tumble into her hands. She desperately hugged onto the product turning back to the man who put her through such sudden stress.

He plopped himself on a bench nearby propping his elbow on his knee, resting his head in the palm of his hand. Her mood turned enthusiastic as she began to hype herself into committing a poor financial decision.

"Did you text your brother back?" He questioned.

As much as they agreed to text her brother together—well Gojo agreed for both of them—Kanae was still managing some sort of secrecy.

"Which one?" Her hands raked through the selection of bags. "Be more specific."

Gojo threw his head back rocking his head in her direction. "The crazy one, duh!"

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