Chapter Eleven ✩ Old School [Part 2]

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The atmosphere of the school was gloomy and reeked of hopelessness and dramatics. Gojo assumed that it was simply what a high school entailed. As he left Kanae to exorcise, he had another mission of his own.

Walking through the brooding halls, a door creaked open. The room was illuminated by the cool lights emitting from the moon and into the room. He stepped in with his eyes meeting an unfortunately familiar figure.

"Well would you look at that! We meet each other again Leaks!" Gojo grinned joyfully at the strawberry blonde who twitched in annoyance.

She sat on the teacher's desk in her preppy uniform crossing her legs as her feet dangled from the ground. Resting her palms behind her, she leaned back shifting her body weight. As he moved into the room, her hungrily watched his strides.

"My name is Leiko idiot." She gritted her teeth at him. "Funny to see you here. This is an all-girls school you know."

Gojo leaned on the student desk across from her, taking a seat himself. His long legs bending from the low desk, his feet staying firm on the ground.

"I can see that. It's pretty late to be at school at this time, don't you think?"

Her legs tightened at his words slightly caving as she smirked. "Why do you care? Don't tell me there's trouble in paradise with you are your girlfriend." A nervous rush of excitement pulsing through her body as those left her lips.

In a playful manner, Gojo waved her words off. "Oh never! Kanae will always be mines and I am hers."

An irate expression doused her face earning a satisfying grin from Gojo.

If Kanae had suggested him to go to the second floor, he would have contested. There was no need for Kanae to see Leiko as it would only infuriate her. There was something off about the blonde that needed to be dealt with. Even with all the hate Kanae had towards her, she was oblivious to the dark nature she carried.

"Something tells me you know more than you let on." He lowered his voice watching her. "That whole haunted house thing you prepared was always suppose to be a death trap for Kanae. You actually tried to kill her."

He knew the two girls hated each other. Especially now being well acquainted with Kanae and more aware of their abrupt and passionate kiss. He assumed it to be stupid teenage drama. At their ages they were quite dramatic. He himself had done stupid things, went crazy and realized how reckless he was.

But murder?

That's another kind of crazy.

Brushing her own locks behind her ears, she smugly pursed her lips. "I don't know what you are talking about."

Gojo removed his shades placing it behind him. Moistening the corner of her lips she swiped her tongue eying him as if he was her own desired treat.

He chuckled at her expression, pushing himself from the desk to stand in front of her. "Ah ah now. It's obvious what you know so don't make this any harder on yourself."

As her eyes raked him up and down, internally Leiko could feel herself burning up. Externally, she fictitiously maintained her chill demeanor keeping her grey eyes stuck on his blue ones. It felt like he knew her deepest secrets from just one glance, while he was still mysterious to her. Maybe he was annoyed, even silently angry. It was clear his playful manner was all a front. As he was glued to his glasses, when they came off he meant business.

"I would never hurt your girlfriend. I don't like Kanae but that's kinda low for me. Plus I can tell how you'd ride out for her. I want no part in that." Leiko raised a hand towards him as a 'halt' turning her head to the side. His presence grew more prominent and powerful radiating into her space.

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