Chapter Twenty-Four ✩ Blushing on a Balcony

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Back at the dorms, Kanae sat out on the balcony. The holiday party was in full swing, but she wasn't as excited to join them. She couldn't handle Mei Mei's tomfoolery.

There were two lounge chairs with a tiny outdoor table before her. She rested her crutch onto it. Gazing at the sky, the world was bathed in a windless yet chilled atmosphere. With every deep breath, a grey mist left her lips. She could feel the subtle thumping vibrations of music coming from the inside though where she was, it was peaceful and beautiful.

"What are you doing here all alone?" Her eyes turned back gazing at the doorway. She noticed Utahime nervously entering the scene. "I wondered why Gojo seems so sad. You are out here and not in there."

Kanae twisted her lips a bit unsure of what to say as Utahime took a seat beside her. The urge to comment yet not was simply tense in her mind. She wasn't close to Utahime, for all she knew she could have been a major gossiper. Though she doubted it. Her mind wanted to find something to stray away from Utahime, but it was clear she was cool with her welcoming demeanour.

"Have you ever questioned if Mei Mei and Gojo are related?" Kanae changed the subject to Utahime's surprise.

"What a random question." Utahime thought for a moment.

The question wasn't invalid. They both had similar hair colours, slim figures, the only thing apparently different was their eyes. Then again, people who are related don't need to look exactly the same.

"I guess your question does have merit." Her mind began to develop a story for them. Mei Mei as the elder sister and Gojo as the rambunctious younger brother. They were both assholes in their own right, but she could see how the energies would bounce off one another. "Now I can't unsee it. Now everytime I see Mei Mei, I might want to punch her face."

"Pfft." Kanae gasped clasping her hand to her mouth. She almost broke into laughter at the comment, but Utahime raised an eyebrow at her. Mei Mei getting her head knocked was amusing to her. Maybe it was what she needed to be a decent human being. "I mean–Oh! That's terrible!"

"You got to lie better than that. Don't worry, she's always had a punchable face. She's just..pretty strong." Utahime's voice dropped into a whisper. She didn't care if Gojo heard her insults, but Mei Mei might've reacted differently. That fear was something she didn't want to deal with.

The two laughed a bit before Kanae spoke up. "I hope this doesn't come off as rude, but why are you talking to me. I don't dislike you, but maybe you don't—"

"Kanae we are fine. I feel weird with Gojo but guess what? I was never really was fond of him. I had an immature crush. That's all." Her fingers danced on the table a bit anxious from the topic, but it was important to clear this up. "I liked the fact that he was rich and tall. When I look at his personality and everything about his life, I dodged a bullet."

What had Utahime meant my that? Kanae leaned forward curious to hear her colleague speak some more. "What do you mean you dodged a bullet?"

"Well, isn't it obvious? Gojo will be a prominent figure in sorcery in the future. Maybe he is already, but it will be different when he's an adult." She leaned forward herself watching Kanae's nervous eyes. "I'm not telling you to not go for him. You should by all means, but remember that someone like him, can never leave sorcery. It's weird coming out my mouth, but those two will be the strongest. When you are labeled that, there be a lot of pressure on you from everyone."

Kanae had thought of it before. The more time passed and the closer she had gotten to Gojo, she had been ping-ponging the idea. Her own beliefs were still strong as she believed someone could live a life they desired when when doing something they didn't not like. Life was never perfect and often times people had to sacrifice and balance both. "I still think he can live his life how he pleases. Our lives can't be perfect but we can choose what we want, no?"

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