Chapter Ten ✩ Old School [Part 1]

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Kanae could not believe her eyes. The past that she had tried so hard to suppress, had somehow snaked its way back into her life.

Gojo could notice the shift in her demeanour. If only she had paid attention to their sensei's words earlier, she could have at least mentally prepared herself for this unwanted reunion.

"You know this place?" He questioned watching her bulging eyes.

"Well before you guys recruited me, this was my high school." She blinked at the building watching the shards of memories.

She was just in her second year, but it did feel like her home for the next few years. She didn't like to stick to people much, but many of the girls she had attended it with were people she had known since she was young. Many times, she preferred to stay at the school instead of returning home. There was a conflicting relationship she had with this school. Of course she had dreadful experiences, but her most memorable and fulfilling ones were here too. It was like a constant stream of memories.

Gojo watched her silent expression as she was stuck in a chain of the past. He hadn't expected to see her in such a way. This was Kanae before they had disturbed their life.

A normal girl. Well a girl who tried to be normal.

"Are you going to be able to do this? I know I'm suppose to spectate, but if I have to save your ass anyways, I might as well—"

"I can do this."

It was the past and she had to accept that. She wasn't facing those memories, it was just the building. There was nothing emotionally gripping with the institution.

Her own woes came with the thoughts of Riko. She hadn't spoken to her since Halloween. It felt difficult to talk about what happened, leaving it to Riko's imagination. Ghosting her was petty, maybe even stupid, but to her it was necessary.

At this time of day, Riko wouldn't be there. She couldn't. Kanae knew better than anyone that her guardian would never allow it.

"Ah crap! I gotta put up the veil." Gojo scratched the back of his head. "Wait for me a bit? Sensei will fight me for forgetting."

The visions of the many times he had promised to put up the veil and had forgotten haunted his mind. He still worked flawlessly without it, but it was Yaga's reaction. His sensei would punish him severely for taking lightly something so crucial for exorcism.

Kanae nodded as he walked away to the outskirts of the school. She wasn't too surprised that he would almost forget something important as the veil.

Not too long ago she was here. It hadn't smelled familiar as it was late. The afternoon air was cool sending shivers down her spine. Schools seemed more haunting in the evening. It felt like the perfect scene for a horror movie. A place that crushes the hopes, dreams and annoys the fuck out of kids.

"You ready?" Gojo returned zapping Kanae out of her thoughts.

"That was quick." She glanced at Gojo who raised an eyebrow at her. She shrugged, "I guess. Ready as I'll ever be."

Before she could even step forward, Gojo intercepted her path facing her.

"Yeah if this is how you will be, you are not defeating the curse. Just as you need to be strong physically, don't forget mental strengths."

"So like my cursed technique? Got it."

"Yes, but that's not what I'm talking about. Confidence and belief go a long way. If you don't think you are strong, you'll probably lose."

She eyeballed him, "Says the guy who keeps saying you're weak. I have accepted I'm not that strong, but I'm trying alright!"

Gojo sighed as he raised an eyebrow at her. The more he was around Kanae, things about her became more apparent to him. It was strange and unsettling to him how willing she was to talk herself down. Many people do that daily, but for her it was an unhealthy amount. He wouldn't be surprised if that's why she was so adamant on taking a back seat on her life.

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