Chapter Twenty-Three ✩ Bakery

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Pricking at the display case, her plum eyes dazzled at the cake coated with chocolate flakes topped with strawberries around the perimeter. Her index finger marched on the glass as the corner of her lips moistened with desire.

"I want that cake." Desserts felt like a specialty to her. If there was a job where she could stare and fulfil her cravings with cake, she would do it all day.

The worker pulled out the cake, resting it on top of the glass display. The border between her and the temporary love of her life had diminished. The whiffs of cocoa mixed with fruits swirled into her nostrils. It was an interesting combo that worked so well. She could feel the appetite arise in her as drool threatened to mark the corner of her mouth. Of course she hadn't made the trip to the shop alone. The lady behind the counter noticed her counterpart a few steps behind her. "And sir, what would you like?"

The man obsessed with sweet things could not focus at their task at hand. His mind was elsewhere in the shop. Kanae hadn't noticed initially, but the longer the worker waited for him, suspicion began to itch at her. Something was off about him. It didn't entirely make sense to her as a bakery was their form of home away from home.

"Gojo?" She tilted her body to look at him. He had a wavered look clearly nerved from something. His eyes flickered back to hers noticing her look of concern. He managed to keep a straight face not giving away any emotions which only edged her on. Noticing the building tension in their silence, he broke into his signature smile. Stepping forward, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders before giving her a quick squeeze and rubbing it.

"Whatever she suggests. We do have similar taste buds don't we." He grinned at her attempting to reassure her which only made questions arise in her head.

Kanae's mind began to scavenge to what possibly could have him so odd. He invited her out to enjoy herself, so why wasn't he experiencing the same joy she was? Her posture stiffened in his grasp as she tilted her head up towards him. "Is everything alright? If you don't like the cake, you can choose another one."

It amused him how she could even assume the circular sweetness wasn't something he liked. He himself felt parch staring at it dreaming of the velvety taste on his tongue. "Everything is fine. You know we have similar taste buds. I completely trust your intuition."

"Really now?" Her eyes narrowed at him trying to break his cheeky expression.

He noticed her efforts and pinched her nose leading her to whine and mimic a certain popular television squid. Instead of fighting back, she acted out the snobby laugh. The unexpected voice led him to break into a laugh as she bit her lip in frustration before grabbing his own nose so he could join her mini Squidward group. The tall boy's body slight tipped forward from her sudden movement due to their differing lengths.

"Happy now?" He voiced sounding like he had been put on the worst octave of auto tune.

"Satisfied." She replied sounding like him.

The two couldn't help but laugh at each other. Still holding each other's noses, they heaved and laughed similarly before releasing each other. Kanae giving him a gentle nudge for making her feel so embarrassed. The worker sighed in relief noticed the diminishing tension. She even found their interaction cute. Young love was something to admire. With haste, she prepared two different samples sliding cupcake wrappers with pieces of the cake.

Clasping her hands together, she cleared her voice. "I hope you two enjoy it. I love seeing couples especially around this time of year. December as a whole can make or break people."

Pulling down the samples, Kanae nervously laughed. A need to want to clarify their relationship itched at her throat, but she swallowed it proudly. The worker didn't need to know the ins and outs to their blooming relationship, plus a part of her wanted to see Gojo's reaction to it. Kanae grinned at the lady and back at Gojo as she handed him his sample. "December has been a special month for us. I don't think it's over yet."

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