Chapter Fifteen ✩ Hippie B-Day [Part 2]

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Frozen, Kanae blinked at Mei Mei's accusation. She swallowed a thick lump as a nauseating feeling raided her gut.

"Me..? Ruin a relationship?"

Ruin a relationship? No, that can't be right.

Her mind flickered back to the night of October 31st.

When I kissed him, he did hesitate. Was it because he had a girlfriend? Why did he tell Leiko I was his girl then?

Her mind sauntered at the thought that Gojo was dating someone. It wasn't bizarre. She had a hard time believing someone like him was single. From his pretty looks to his horny jokes, Gojo Satoru was walking piece of work and trouble that many girls yearned for.

"I mean you broke Utahime's heart. She didn't want to show up because she couldn't dare face the two who ruined her life. It's difficult to see the other woman as well." Mei Mei furrowed her brows in distress. "I'm sure you have had your own share of similar experiences."

This was embarrassing. Every word Kanae had iterated to Shoko with confidence had shook in her core. It was as if the confidence that was built up was ripped away by Mei Mei. She wasn't sure how she felt anymore. For some reasons she had felt used. Even if this was all a lie, something wasn't right. There had to be some truth somewhere.

No matter what, Kanae wouldn't take Mei Mei's blaming game.

She narrowed her eyes at her. "Woah woah woah. You are blaming me? I didn't know he had a girl. I would never entertain that. Gojo is to blame."

Mei Mei raised an eyebrow at her now crossing her arms. "You are trying to ignore the part you played in this? You entertained him. It was a dumb thing to do. People like you make me sick."

Her jaw tensed up watching the icy blue haired woman hold her hips. Kanae had now crossed her arms judging her. She was beauty indeed with the fakest smile, probably attempting to shield the horrid personality she had. She had welcomed unnecessary drama into her life. Now she actually felt toyed with by Gojo.

A churning pain prickled at her heart thinking about how content she was in pursuing her new profound emotive side towards Gojo. It hurt knowing that she wouldn't. It was not worth it, and she had played an unfortunate role in ruining a relationship.

"What the hell is going on here? Mei Mei you are being way too dramatic."

Shoko stepped between the two. The talks between the two were not going to escalate to anything physical even though Kanae had felt a want to slap the smile off her face. She knew Mei Mei got off on her discomfort, and unfortunately it showed on her face.

"Don't listen to her Kanae, Utahime never dated Gojo." Shoko confirmed as Mei Mei rolled her eyes. "It was a stupid crush she had."

"That's the same thing. He knew how she felt about him and you two rolled over her heart. Never gave them a chance."

"You know what? I'm going to exit this conversation."

Kanae stepped away passing Mei Mei who glared at her as she moved. She sat on the couches that stood before the group.


Don't get mad.
Don't get mad.
Don't get mad.

It was obvious she was being baited after Shoko's comments and it unfortunately worked. She didn't feel or wanted to entertain the idea of Gojo anymore. A bitter taste had been left in her mouth from her interaction with Mei Mei. If Utahime really had a crush on Gojo and a Kanae swooped him away, it made her sick. Thousands of questions ran through her head. Most importantly, how did Gojo feel towards her?

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