#Imagine Harry: Pre-wedding days.

978 16 1

Today, Harry and I were going to have dinner with Harry's family to celebrate that in a week we were getting married.

Yes, I was marrying the love of my life, and it was incredible. I felt like it was a dream. The last three years and a half we had already spend together, had been incredible. Of course we had our ups and downs. In every relationship happened sometimes. We couldnt agree in every single thing, and usually Harry used to apologize.

He was charming, romantic and very caring. He was the best. And I was going to marry him. The way he asked me to marry him made that day the best day of my life.


Ugh, I'm so tired. I don't want to go to work. These last days have been crazy. Harry is on tour. And our schedule wasn't perfect. While I was working, he slept and when I had to sleep he was having gigs and rehearshing. It was crazy. It was basically imposible to comunicate with him. We had a little time to Skype and that was becoming stressing and tiring.

But we are doing our best. We love eachother. That's what matters. That's what pushes us to see eachother, that's what pushes us to sleep less than what we should just to see eachother 15 minutes-a-day.

But today I am more tired than usually. I'm tired of working on the fucking supermarket for 9 hours, for a very low salary and more than that, I was tired of seeing my stupid boss' face. He was an asshole. He treated the workers as if they were trash. I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to hear him say we do the things wrong all the time. That was so tiring.

But I needed the money. Even if it was a very little amount of money, I needed it to pay the apartment, and the food and... A lot of more things.

So I wake up, have a shower, dress up in some comfy black leggings, a T-shirt and a jacket with my white convers. I have breakfast as fast I can and I go to the bus station to take a bus.

When I arrive, 15 minutes later, I see my friend Jackie, who also works at the supermarket.

J: "Hey, (Y/N), good morning." She greeted me with her strong English accent.

(Y/N): "Morning, Jackie." I greeted her back, yawning.

J: "Wow, you're tired, huh? Somebody stayed till late last night?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. Harry and I had a little time to face time, so..." I answered yawning again.

J: "When is he coming back?" She asked, as we entered in the supermarket.

(Y/N): "In a couple of months. But I will probably give him a surprise, and I will travel to see him. Wherever he is."

J: "That's very cute, honey. He will love it." She said, happy.

(Y/N): "I hope so..." I said while I took the uniform.


At twelve o'clock I called Jackie to have a coffee, since it was our brake. We had twenty minutes so we left as soon as we could and we went to the cafeteria next to the supermarket.

When we went back to work, our boss was waiting us outside, with a very angry face.

(Y/B/N): "You're late."

(Y/N): "No, we're not. We've just finished the brake."

J: "We were jus having a coffee."

(Y/B/N): "Whatever, girls. I didn't asked you where you had been. I don't give a fuck. There is nobody here to deal with the costumers. You're late. And since isn't your first delay, (Y/N), you're fired. Jackeline, you can keep working now. Another delay, and you'll also be fired." He said and he left us looking at eachother.

Harry Styles #imagines.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora