#Imagine: Fight.

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Finally! Finally he was home. You had been waiting for this moment for so long. He was always on tour and you felt a bit lonely lately, you missed him more than you could accept. The first thing you did last Monday was go to the airport, so you would be the first person he would see after the flight. The welcome was the best. When he saw you he ran towards you and he hugged you like if you were going to disappear. Of course, he was tired and he went straight to bed, so he could have, after months and months the proper rest he needed.

Today is Thursday and you still haven't seen him out of the bed. You were getting tired of it. You were his girlfriend and you wanted to spend some time together, but he always gave the same excuse 'please, (Y/N), I'm tired. I need a rest.' Wasn't it enough?

You decided you weren't going to wait any more and you walked to the room you and Harry shared. You opened the door and you could hear snores. He was still sleeping. How much could he sleep? He had been sleeping for days now.

"Harry..." You called him on a low voice. "Harry..." You called him again, but he didn't notice. You got nearer and you shook him a bit. "Harry, wake up."

"Mmm what?" He said slept yet.

"C'mon, it's Thursday. You gotta get up. I want to spend time with you. I'm bored." You explained him.

"So, you're bored, and you have to come here and bother me while I sleep? C'mon (Y/N)..."

"Excuse me?" You said getting up from the bed, where you had sit before.

"Shut the door when you leave." He said, and he turned around, to find the perfect posture to keep sleeping.

"What's wrong with you? Are you kidding me?" You asked him, raising a bit your tone.

"Don't fucking start screaming, (Y/N)." He answered you calmly.

"You're behaving like a fucking asshole, Harry. Sleep whatever you want, I'm leaving."

"Now you've woken me up, we're going to spend time together. C'mon. Come here." He said sitting on the bed with the blankets still on.

"Oh, no way. I just bother you. Have fun yourself." You said storming out of your and Harry's bedroom.

Why was he behaving like a dumb? You just wanted to have a great meal with him and spend time together, as you used to do before he went on tour.

You were so angry, so when you heard some step sounds on your back, you quickly took your coat, your keys and your phone, just in case. You rapidly got out your home and you went for a walk, just yourself. You were so angry at Harry that you could shout something that you will regret in the future.

You started walking around the transited streets from London. You loved London, full of people, full of shops everywhere, the coffee and tea shops. Mmmm. Tea. You wanted a coffee. You entered on a cafe that you should go a lot of times, and you ordered a black tea, and some cookies. When you had everything on a small table in the cafe, you noticed that your phone was vibrating. When you took it out of your pocket, you saw it was Harry. You didn't answer and you drank your delicious tea, and you ate the cookies.


After you had finished, you went for another walk around London. You were much more relaxed now, but Harry still was in your mind. He will be so angry at you, but you knew what you exactly has to do.

When you arrived at home, after you stopped in some shops, Harry was on the living room, apparently waiting for you.

"Where the hell were you?" He screamed.

"Don't fucking scream me, Harold." You answered as he did hours before.

"I'm not joking (Y/N), where have you been?"

"Why?" You said walking to your bedroom, again.

"Because I'm your fucking boyfriend, (Y/N)! WHAT IF SOMETHING HAD HAPPENED TO YOU!?"



"WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? THAT I WAS GOING TO WAIT HERE UNTIL YOU WANTED TO PUT SOME ATTENTION ON ME? Well, you were wrong! Now, I want to be alone. Stop bothering me!" You shut door in front of his face.

You didn't want to fight with him like that, you hated it. Why was this so difficult?

"(Y/N). Please. Open the door." You heard suddenly, after you put on your sleep clothes.

"What for? You want to keep screaming? Or you prefer if I bother you? What's what you want?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I love spending time with you. You were right, I was behaving like a fucking asshole. I'm sorry baby, I was just really tired. But I'm going to spend time with you now. I want to. Forgive me please." He spoke with the door between both of you.

You felt your heart melting. He was the sweetest person you've ever met. You couldn't be angry at him, you couldn't avoid him. You loved him, and you will always love him. He was the love of your life and that's why you couldn't wait to open the door.

When you opened it, you hugged him like it was the last day. You loved and you knew him enough to know that he was the love of tour life.

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