#Imagine Harry: You catch him cheating on you. Part 3.

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Your POV:

After you had a shower and you dressed up, you packed everything on your bug purse and before you left, you went to Liam's room. There was nobody, so you knocked Niall's room. Nothing. Nobody was on the hotel. You tryed again on Louis's room, but you had the same answer. Silence. Maybe the would have left for the rehearshals. So you decided to take a taxi to the airport after you got the ticket for the flight, and call them before your plane jetted off.

An hour later, the taxi arrived to the hotel, and he helped you with your luggage.

TaxiDriver: "So, where are we going, ma'am?" He asked.

(Y/N): "Bob Hope airport, please." You answered and you called Liam first.

He didn't answer my call and that was strange. Even if they were rehearsing, he would have taken my call. Something was happening.

Harry's POV:

I couldn't even believe how stupid I had been. I've lost her. The only person who I was in love with. That in love that even hurt. But I didn't remember anything. Everything that had happened last night had desapeared from my mind.

Li: "Harry, you're pale. Are you OK?" Liam asked again, after he had told me all the story.

H: "Actually, I'm not. I've been feeling quite hurt all day. My head hurts a lot and I feel like I'm going to faint. " I explained him while I tried to get up, something I would have done if I was OK. I wasn't. Something strange was happening in my body.

Li: "I'll call a doctor. Don't move." He said as he took his phone and dialed.


D: "This is so weird. It looks that you're perfect. But you're not, are you?" The doctor asked me.

H: "I'm feeling horrible. And it's not the hungover."

D: "There is another possibility..." He thought. "Are you in drugs? Or were you druged last night?" He asked.

My eyes opened as I couldn't believe what that doctor was asking me.

Li: "He will never do that. Ever." Liam assured him.

D: "Are you sure you haven't been in contact with any kind of drugs?" He asked again and I nodded. "We'll still do some checking."


After I was done some checking, the doctor finally got the results.

D: "Well, look what we've got here. You lied me, Mr. Styles."


D: "The test is positive. You ingered drugs recently."

Liam and I were socked. I didn't do drugs. I had ever done drugs, and doing drugs wasn't in my plans.

H: "It's impossible. Impossible." I assured them.

D: "These kind of tests don't usually make any mistakes, Mr. You could also come to the hospital.

Your POV:

As soon as you arrived to the airport, you called Liam again. You were worried. When the third time rang, you thought he wasn't going to answer, but he did.

Li: "(Y/N), are you OK? Do you need anything?" He answered rapidly, as protective as always.

(Y/N): "Liam, I'm on the airport. I'm leaving. I've tried to call you earlier but..."

Li: "You're leaving?" He asked surprised. "You can't leave, (Y/N), I need you here. And Harry also does. He needs you."

(Y/N): "Well, then, he should call Monica. She will be very glad. I'm sure of it."

Li: "(Y/N),..." He shut up a couple of seconds. "I didn't want to tell you anything, I didn't want to worry you..."

(Y/N): "Liam, what's going on? You're making me feel very nervous."

Li: "Lil bird, Harry is on the hospital."

You felt how your hurt heart felt to the floor. What had happened?

(Y/N): "Wh-what? What happened, Liam? Is he OK? What happened?" You started to feel how the tears ran all over your face.

Li: "He wasn't feeling very well this morning, and we called a doctor. He felt very dizzy and he fainted a couple of times. And after having a quick test, it said that Harry had been in contact with some kind of drug. They're checking him now. (Y/N), don't leave. Lil bird, I need you. And he needs you here more than anything." He asked you.

You were astonished. You couldn't believe anything what Liam was talking about. Harry on drugs? That was impossible. Harry didn't do that things. Well, he also didn't cheat, and look what happened.

Li: "Lil bird, are you still listening?" Liam asked you.

(Y/N): "Ye-yeah. I'm here." You answered. You had to go to the hospital. You had to. Even if Harry had been the worst boyfriend ever, you had to be with him. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

Li: "Thank god. Thanks, lil bird. Thank you." He thanked you.

(Y/N): "I'll take a taxi. I'll call you when I arrive to the hospital."


After half an hour driving through Burbank's streets, you arrived to the hospital, and after you paid the driver, you got into the hospital.

(Y/N): "Hi, good morning. I would like to know where Harry styles' room is."

X: "Sorry, I'm not authorized to do that." The man told you.

(Y/N): "Excuse me? I'm his girlfriend." You admitted. Were you? Were you his girlfriend?

X: "Sorry, I can't. I just do what the ask me to." He answered me.

(Y/N): "Fuck..."

You turned around and called Liam. You should have done that before anything.

Li: "Have you arrived?"

(Y/N): "Yes, I'm here, but they won't let me pass."

Li: "I'll go for you."


Hi lovelies! I know this chapter was so short, bit I've been very busy this last days, so I couldn't update a new one, and right now I'm very tired. But even if I am, I've written the next chapter.

Hope you like it, and if you do so, let me know it by tweeting it on my twitter account @ITVCHarryStyles

For the ones who were asking me to write the imagines in Spanish, I'll write them all I'm Spanish as soon as I finish the whole imagine, so be patient.

PD: Sorry for the mistakes!

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