Chapter 10: The Unspeakable

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After that call ended I thought I would never have this feeling, but fear sank into my chest. As soon as that elevator door opened I was running out of the place like it was on fire. "I'll talk to you later Patrick!" I yelled back as I went out the door into my car. I started the ignition and put the pedal to the metal leaving black tire marks where I was parked.

I was going at least 80 MPH thought the city and ran 5 red lights. Surprisingly there wasn't any cops following me. I was a mile from home and was praying for tom to be alright. I pulled not into my drive way, but into my front yard leaving mud tracks in the grass. I got out of my car and took out my gun. I went to the front door and raised my gun up and kicked down the door.

The lights flickered as I walked in the front door. Everything seemed fine up stairs, but checked anyways. I walked into the kitchen and looked all around. Lights finally stopped flickering and it was pitch black. I went into my drawer and took out a flash light. I mounted it to my gun and continued my search.

I checked all the rooms up stairs, but now I have to go down stairs. I took a deep breath and pulled the shelf off the wall since you need electric to open it. I point my gun down the steps and aimed my gun around the corner. It was so dark you couldn't make out a person even if they were in your face.

My flashlight was fixed onto the wall as I came across my tools and the shelf's were knocked over, glass was broken, I started to see a dark liquid on the floor and followed it to see a foot and then I backed up showing it was tom's body tied on the electric chair and that wasn't just any regular liquid it was his blood. He had cuts all over his body and a knife in his leg. "Thomas what happened?!" I said trying to untie him. He attempted to talk, but only blood came out making this horrid sound you only would hear in night mares.

He was breathing irregularly as he managed to speak up. " T...they a-are" he tried to push me away, but he had no strength. "I'm not leaving you." I got the ropes off him when suddenly a pair of strong arms was wrapped around me and a rag was put over my face. I can't leave thomas! I elbowed the person in the gut causing him to let go of me. I laid on the floor as the lights flickered again. It was vanoss, delirious, and terroriser standing right in front of me. Vanoss had black spots over his arms and chest from the acid.

There was a demented laugh as the lights went out again. "Hehe Ryan...let's play hide and seek... We are the seekers and you're the hider..hehe" I went over to thomas and whispered to him. "Tom if either of us don't make it I want you to know that I always cared for you like a brother figure." He coughed again, but he managed to say something. "I f..felt the s...same." He said before I was violently taken away again with the rag over my face. I struggled for bit trying to get out of his solid crib, but there was no point and then....I blacked out.

------vanoss point of view------

I managed to wrap my arms around the sun of a bitch as Delirious put the wrag over his mouth and he blacked out. "What should we do about this guy over here vanoss?" Terroriser asked. "Leave him, he won't be going any where." I said putting Ryan over my shoulder.

"Let's go, we need to get back to our base before fuck face here wakes up." I grabbed my shirt , shoes, and gun he stole from me and we headed up stairs. We stepped over the book shelf and went out the door. "Where's my car?" I questioned only seeing Ryan's black nissan.

"Let's try the garage." Delirious said. We went to the garage and seen a car that was covered. We took the covering off and revealed my black and red mustang. I swear to god if he did anything to my baby I'm going to kill him with my bare hands. The guys climbed in and I started the car up and off we went. It was going to be a while before we got home because we live on the North side of the city and we just came from the south side.

"Might as well relax guys, its gonna be a while till we get back." I said speeding up. I look to my right and see a car flipped upside. Wait that can't be...I guess we will found out. I wonder what the boys at home have been doing? I hope they didn't get under attack will I was gone because lui, mini, Nogla, wildcat, moo, and Marcel are the worse combination ever. I bet they wrecked the house.

--------Time passes-------

We've been driving for about 2 hours now and it was at least 9 O'Clock. Just another 30 minutes I believe and we will be home. "What are we going to do with the soul less bastard back here?" Delirious asked sitting in the back with Ryan. "Torture him of course. See how he know tomboy and a bunch of other things." I said looking back at Ryan making sure he was still a sleep. "As soon as we get home take Ryan to the torture room and cuff him to the wall." I said with a smile on my face. "We are gonna teach him not to fuck with us."

We finally get home to our house. It was a nice house; 3 bathrooms, one big living room and tv for us to play video games on, a giant kitchen and dinning room, computer room for hacking, torture room, 8 bed rooms for everyone beside Marcel because he likes his privacy. It was our own mansion no one knew about. This is where we plan our attacks and prep for missions as of for the old ware house back in the city is just a decoy, but is where we meet when we are in trouble. I look to my right where terroriser fell asleep. I had to admit that one guy to good care of his for head. "Terroriser get up we're home." I said shaking him. "W-what? Oh okay." We climbed out of the car and delirious had Ryan over his shoulder.

We walked into the house where the guys were sitting around and looked a bit worried. "Honey I'm home." I said started my way to the kitchen. "Vanoss!" Everyone basically yelled at me and followed me. "Where the hell have you been for the past week?!" Mini asked. "The guy delirious is carrying captured me and the boys. Now would you mind if I eat I've lost at least 30 pounds." I said taking out multiple foods out of the fridge. "What did he do to you?" Marcel asked. "He only tortured me and took care of delirious and terroriser because they were in a car wreck when you guys were chasing after him." I said being rather pissed realizing that flipped car was ours.

"He had your tracking device so we thought it was you and we tried taking him down, but didn't work..." Nogla said. "Okay I'm over it all that matters is that we got the bitch now."

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