Chapter 25: Determined

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me and wildcat got home about 6:45 around there and we walked through the front door and was greeted by nogla.

"Where did you guys go?!" He asked placing his hands on both of my shoulders and locked eyes with me.

"Me and wildcat went and got our clothes for the mission tomorrow." I said holding up my bag from the store.

He let go of me. "oh okay." He said like he didn't care as much anymore and walked over to the couch.

I hung my keys up on the wall and headed down the hall towards my room when evan came out of his room.

"Its about time you got back." He said stopping me in the hall way.

"You're the one who wanted me to wear nice clothes for tomorrow." I said holding the bag up in his face showing him I got my clothes for the mission.

He grabbed the bag from my hand and took out the dress. "So this is what you're going to wear? I thought you would pick something black, or probably a suit or tie."

I could of bought a suit and tie?! "I picked up the first thing I saw and bought it. I'm not into fashion that much." I said as I took the bag back and held it by my side.

"Well If you don't like that dress I have one in my closet along with shoes that seems...more like you. Its yours if you want it." As he said that sentence a devious smirk came up on his face.

"Exactly why do you have a dress in your closet?" I asked being curious with a raised brow.

"I bought it for my ex, but we broke up before I could give it to her and I didn't feel like taking it back." He said as he headed towards his door.

"So now you're giving it to me? What it isn't your color?" I said joking and took a couple steps towards him.

"Nah, more like it isn't my size." He said walking into his room.

He went into his closet and took out a dress and a pair of high heels. The dress was black with and so were the heels, it seemed more like the type of dress you would wear to a bar than a meeting dress it was sleeveless and hand a strap that went around my neck and back to the dress. Small Slits were on the sides of the dress so it would show skin. What a lovely dress...

"Here. Have fun with it." He said throwing the dress at me and then handed me the shoes.

"Oh boy...a dress. I'm sooo thrilled to wear it tomorrow." I said. Note the sarcasm.

Me and evan parted and I took my stuff to my room. I put the shoes by my door and went to my closet and hung the dresses up. I wonder how this plan will turn out tomorrow. I kinda feel like one of us is going to die. Hopefully it isn't me.

I Flopped down onto my bed to rest a bit. My right hand laid on my forehead and my left on my stomach and my thoughts pondered in different directions. I raised my arms in the air looking at them as the cotton wraps were laced around them. What's been going on with me lately? I've been having bad dreams, cutting myself, and being depressed. I need to get my shit together because if I go on that mission tomorrow like the way I am now with my head in the clouds I'll get a bullet put between my eyes.

-----Some where else-----

I've been walking for what seems like days out in this flat plain by myself. My body Is screaming at me to give up and let the crows peck at my body, but the anger and hatred burning inside me from Evan keeps me going. My cutts wrapped up in cloths was now drenched in blood, my stitches that were once connected together in my leg were now separated, and my acid burns sting from sweat oozing onto them, these injury's are all things from evan and his men. When I get back he will be the second thing I look for after I find tomboy, She is the reason why I am even out here.

After that night and she was takened away I passed out and woke up the same night. I knew I couldn't stay at the house for long, so I left and got help. Some nice people picked me up along side the road and I was takened to the hospital, there wasn't much they could do about my burns, but they removed the knife from my leg and stitched it up and took care of my cuts. I left the hospital when I wasn't suppose to, but I just wanted to find tomboy so damn bad, I wanted to know if she was alright. I went to her house only to see a for sale sign stuck in her front yard. I hope she isn't relocating again.

I took my car and drove most of the way out here, but an hour of driving later I ran out of gas so I decided to walk the rest of the way to tomboys parents house. She better be here.

(Sorry for the late update. I've been with family for the past week.)

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