Chapter 34: Lets Talk it Out

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~Tomboy's point of view~

I woke up to the sound of the guys getting ready like they do every morning. I laid on the floor starring at the ceiling, it was too hot in my bed last night so I threw one of my pillows on the floor and passed out without a blanket. My mind was blank unlike yesterday, I was so confused and I couldn't make a decision on what to do.

'Why am I like this?'

The thought echoed through my head.

The army always told me not to develop feelings because the people you care for will always end up hurting you or in this case we will go into war and die, so naturally I pushed my feelings away. This is why I feel nothing. Laughter, anger, and sadness runs through me and all the other emotions are locked away.

'This isn't the army, so maybe I can change the way I feel.'

I looked down at my stomach and dried blood was settled into the wraps around me.


I groaned as I tried to get up, but only hurt my stomach. The skin where the stitches were, felt like needles were constantly being put into it. I fucking hate everything.

I rolled over onto my stomach and tensed up as my weight shifted, hurting me more. I pushed myself up and onto my feet. 'Now I'm fuckin cold.'

I went to my mirror and looked at my self. Small strands of hair fell over my face, my face was oily, and my eyes were blood shot. I need to shower...

I went to walk towards my door as my leg thumped to my heart beat. I looked down at it, it was swelled up.


I continued my way to the bathroom to take my shower. I opened my door and the scent of bacon filled my nose as i looked around the hall i see the guys walking around in either sweat pants or boxers.

I looked over at the door of the bathroom, there was a line. I sighed to my self. 'Fucking hell...'

Wildcat walked out his door which was beside me. He had a red ring around his throat from where I strangled him.


I called his name.

He noticed me and turned around and went back towards his bedroom. Before he could shut the door I went up to it and started pushing it trying to talk to wildcat.

"Leave me alone!"

He yelled from behind the door trying to push it shut.

"Wildcat! Open the door!"

I yelled trying to push it open, but wasn't strong enough so it was a war between me and him.


The door was almost shut, but I was giving it my all. The all I had left. My ankle started to hurt worse and my muscles ached.

"I just need to talk to you!"

I yelled and I used my hip to help me open the door. Wildcat stumbled back a couple of feet in his room and I let myself in and shut the door behind me.

"Get out!"

He demanded.

He was obviously mad at me for what I did. His room smelt of his cologne and it was kinda neat besides a small pile of clothes on the floor.

"Just listen. Okay."

"No I want you out of my room! Now leave before I make you!!"

He barked at me but I didn't listen and didn't move an inch.

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