Chapter 40: Weightless

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···· 3 AM · Tomboys POV ····

I laid there in bed watching the rain stream down my window and every now and then a flash of lightning would go off followed by a loud crack of thunder and each time it would get louder and louder. My head was full of thoughts and my ribs were like a wall holding back my anxiety. I kept thinking over and over the police, government, or army what ever you want to call them were coming for me. I was thinking over a plan on how to start another life if they were to find me here, get a new code name, find a new home.... find new friends.


I flew forward grabbing my gun from under my pillow and held it at a dark figure that stood a foot away from my door.

"Don't shoot, its me. Evan."

He whispered as his hands were in the air.

I dropped my gun and plopped back down with a sigh.

"What the hell are you doing in here?"

I whispered angrily.

He walks over to the window and looks out it as another flash goes off and the light flickers on to his face and chest, of course he was shirtless and in his boxers.

"That last lightning strike sounded like it was close, so I wanted to make sure it didn't hit the house."

I got up from my bed slowly, for I didn't feel like getting another stitch fixed since we don't have anything to numb it with.

"Well you nearly woke everyone up in the house and I would be even with you."

"Well sorry for wanting to make sure the house wasn't on fire."

He said with out whispering and tom shifted in the bed and our attention turned towards him.

"Are you trying to wake him up."

I yelled whispered at Evan as I pushed him towards the door.

"I'm didn't mean to, that's enough with the pushing."

He said as he chuckled and messed around as I shut the door behind us.

"Shut up, you like it when I touch you."

I joked.

"Psh whatever."

He said and turned his head to the side and rubbed the back of his neck.

"So you obviously wasn't asleep when I walked into your room, what were you doing up?"

He asked me.

"I was sleeping... I'm just a light sleeper."

I lied.

"Sure, you were worrying about the government finding you weren't you?"


"Then why were you sleeping with your gun under your pillow?"

He raised a brow at me and crossed his arms.

"Okay you got me, but I like thinking things through before it happens."

"That's how you give yourself anxiety attacks silly."

He elbowed me.

"I know, but I can't help to do it."

"You gotta live in the present and go with the flow."

He threw his arm around my shoulders.

"Buuuttt if you live in the future, you'll give yourself a heart attack."

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