Chapter 12: Oh...My....God

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I passed out after marcel left. Its been about 2 hours before they came back though the door, but instead of wildcat and delirious helping it was Moo and Mini who came in with vanoss. "What happened to wildcat and delirious?" I questioned trying to stand up. "Wildcat popped a stitch earlier and won't be back for a while." Vanoss said. "This is Moo and Mini. They will be the one torturing you this time." He sat down where he did earlier and we began the questions.

"What do you know about tomboy?" He asked. I stayed quiet trying to think for a lie or something to help. "Mini your up with the tasor." He said. Mini stood in front of me and tased my neck. I screamed as he pulled away. My body parts started twitching as if the electric was still inside me.

"What do you know about tomboy?" He asked again. "S-she's violent. Specialist in b-bombs, and gun m-making along with other d-devices." I said with my jaw almost locking in place. "What else?" Vanoss said. "I-i don't know." I said. I didn't want to give out all the info about me. "Mini." He tased me again and my muscles locked as he stopped. "Its out of power vanoss." Mini said. "Moo your up with the car battery." He said with an evil smile. My eyes widened. "Y-you wouldn't." I said in a low voice looking him dead in the eyes. "Try me." Moo hooked the battery up to my finger tips.

"What else do you know about tomboy?!" He yelled. "That's all I know! Like I said I went to boot camp with her. She is violent,dangerous, and strong. She makes bombs a-and guns. She works alone!" I said praying he wouldn't turn that car battery on. "Where does she live?! Where is her hide out?!" He yelled again. "I-i don't know!" I yelled. I was starting to breathe heavy and sweat started coming off me. I prepared my self for the pain I was going to go through.

"Vanoss, I went to boot camp with tomboy and not once did I see a guy named Ryan there nor was she any of those things...towards me at least.." Moo said. I suddenly realized that moo was another man I knew from camp. He was the one who always held me back from killing those men, but one day he wasn't around and that's when the worse happened. Vanoss looked at me and so did moo.

"He's useless. He could of been lieing to us the whole time." Moo said with a serious face. they're going to kill me! I know it!"Permission to shoot him?" Moo asked. Vanoss came up and looked me in the eyes. "Granted." He said and went and sat back down.

Moo took out his gun as mini unlocked my arms and legs as I fell to the ground. "Get up and die like a man." Moo said. I stood up with all the energy I had left as mini came behind me and held my arms behind my back. Moo held up his gun and aimed. "Shoot." Vanoss said. He fired at my chest hitting my vest. I've been discovered... "What the hell?" Mini said. He ripped off my shirt revealing my vest. He took it of causing it reveal my chest area. "" Vanoss said. He grabbed a bucket of water and threw it at my face.

The force from the water washed off my make up and threw back my wig and my hair fell to my back a bit wet. Mini let go of me as I dropped on the floor. I hugged my knees trying to hide my chest. The men just looked at me with shock and surprise on their faces. Everyone was speechless and did nothing, but look at each other as I blacked out again on the floor.

------vanoss's point of view------

When mini took of his vest I thought this guy was some sick gay guy until I looked closely at his face and notice what looks like make up coming off. I realized that it was actually tomboy! "" I said. I picked up a bucket of water and threw it one her. Her make up came off along with her wig. She fell to the ground. I couldn't believe what I just saw, tomboy is half naked, half dead, and laying on the floor passed out.

"Holy shit!" I heard one of he guys scream from behind the viewing room. They turned the lights on and we could see their faces through the window. They all had the same look on their faces. I Picked her up bridal style and kicked the door open and ran to the med room we kept down stairs by the torture room.

"Nogla you're the medic get your ass in here!" I yelled. I laid her down on a medical bed as the guys gathered around. "NOGLA!" I yelled. "IM HERE!" He yelled. He looked at her body. Her stomach was bruised, her face was bloody and looked terrible. "Everyone one out I need to work on her!" Nogla yelled pushing us all out of the room and he went back in and started working.

We were all gathered in the living room. No one has said a word yet after what just happened. "I'm just going to say what everyone is thinking. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Lui yelled. "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS JUST IMAGINE HOW MAD SHE WILL BE AT YOU ALL WHEN SHE WAKES UP!!" Marcel screamed. "us what about you!!" Mini said pointing at him. "I didn't do shit to her!! It was all you guys!!" He yelled back. "IT DOESNT MATTER WE ALL ARE GOING TO DIE!! Terroriser yelled and started panicking.

Moo was sitting on the couch dazing off. "Guys calm down something is wrong with moo!" Delirious said. We all gathered around moo. "Moo what's wrong?" I asked. "I-i almost k-killed her..." He said looking at his hands. "MOO'S GONNA DIE FIRST!!" Marcel yelled and ran off.

Everyone started panicking and running around. "I don't wanna die I'm so young and beautiful!!" Marcel yelled. "I've never gotten my toy train!!" Lui said in a kid voice. "YOU GUYS!!" Nogla yelled coming up from the stairs and everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at him. "She won't be up for a Couple of hours so calm your tits." He said walking over to me. "

How is she?" I asked. "O you know beat up to shit. She lost a lot of blood and her heart beat pissed up, but with a bit of potatoes she should make it!" He said. "SHE GOING TO LIVE!!" mini yelled and everyone started panicking again as I facepalmed.

"Can I see her?" I asked Nogla. "Yeah, but don't touch my potatoes." He said as we headed down stairs into the med room. I walked in and seen her laying on the bed with a machine hooked up to her. I looked at her heart rate and it was low.

I took the covers off her revealing her chest. "Nogla?" I said calmly. "Where is her shirt?" I asked. "She don't have one." He said looking at her. "Then go get her one! This house is full of men and you leave a girl on a med bed half naked!!?? I yelled at him. "ALL RIGHHTT ILL GET A SHIRTTT!" he yealled running back up stairs. I pulled the covers down lower to look at her stomach. It looked like a rainbow from all the different colored bruises on her body. I covered her back up. I have no idea what she will be like when she wakes up, but we will be prepared.

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