Chapter 11: It's About Time.

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Oh god my head hurts. I opened my eyes to see my arms were chained to a wall. Well its about time they finally got me. I looked around and I was in a small brick room with only a bed in it. Anxiety hit my chest like a bus when I realized tom wasn't here and the condition they left him. I wasn't mad or feeling any emotions that they caught me, but I was pissed about what they did to thomas.

I heard a couple of voices coming and thought the door came vanoss, delirious, and wildcat. "Look who's awake boys." He said with a dirty smile on his face. "Morning fellas how have you been? Long time no see huh?" I said with a fake friendly smile. "Oh you know trying to treat my dead skin from the acid and clean the wounds you left with a knife and poured lemon juice on them. The usual." He said following my sarcasm.

"I'm guessing you want answers?" I said. It was pretty obvious. "No we wanted to tickle you." Delirious said behind his hockey mask. "I hate to tell you boys, but I'm not ticklish." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Don't worry, we won't tickle you with a feather, but with brass knuckles and knives." Wildcat said holding brass knuckles.

"Let's begin shall we?" Vanoss said leaning against the wall and wildcat stood in front of me. I guessing wildcat is going to be the one to hit me as vanoss and delirious ask questions. "So you'll be the one hitting me right?" I asked looking at him. He had bandages wrapped around his stomach where I had stabbed him. "That's right, where would you like to be punched?" He asked cracking his knuckes and then putting his brass knuckles back on. "Oh I would prefer you to punch me in the stomach. See if you hurt your victim there the pains is so bad that he/she can't run, so I won't be able to run away." I said. I don't want them to hit me in the face it could cost my identity to be revealed because this make up is nothing, but shit.

"Hm cool" he said and punched me in the stomach. I felt as if I was just shot. "Alright Ryan, how do you know tomboy?" He asked. Well I kinda am her, but he doesn't know that. "I'm married to her." I said. "I don't see a ring on your figure." Delirious pointed out causing wildcat to punch me in the stomach again. "You know how this goes Ryan I ask you a question and if you don't answer I abuse you any way I want." Vanoss said. He gave a sign to wildcat and he punched me in the stomach again.

I've never experienced pain like this. Too be honest its thrilling. "Your making a mistake." I said catching my breathe. "Oh am I?" He said giving wildcat the sign again. Most of the punches didn't hurt as much do to my vest. I just hope they don't find it. "How do you know tomboy?" He said surprisingly calm. I stayed quiet due to me being in my thoughts. Wildcat punched me in the stomach again and I can feel my lower gut starting to bruis.

"Maybe we should start cutting her." Delirious said holding the knife to my neck. "Alright wildcat your out, delirious you're in." Vanoss said. They switched spots. "How do you know tomboy?" Vanoss asked again. "We went to boot camp together." I said loud enough for them to hear.

"What's her real name?" He asked. No way in fucking hell will I let them know my real name. "I don't know." I responded. "Delirious cut her cheek." Vanoss said. I could tell from his eyes that hes been waiting to do this. He sliced my cheek making me scream through my teeth. Blood started rolling down my face and it felt like my skin was on fire.

"What's tomboys real name." He asked again. "I don't know." I spat back him. "Delirious." He said giving him the sign before he cut me I spoke up. "Wait! I don't know! No one knows her real name. Do you think a woman with that type of power would just tell anyone her real name?!" I basically yelled at him.

"True...what do you know about tomboy?" He asked taking a seat by the wall. "Depends what do you want to know." I said being dumb of course they wanted know everything about me. "Delirious" he said and I was cut on my other cheek. It went so deep I think I can almost taste the blood in my mouth. I screamed in pain again. "Tell us everything you know about her." He said holding a bottle of lemon juice.

"For that info you'll have to pur that whole bottle on me." I said in anger. I've had lemon juice on a cut before, but only once. "Alright." He poured the bottle on my face. I screamed in pain. If you thought a bee sting was bad you should try this. Hot tears rolled out of my eyes due to he lemon juice getting into them and i could feel my make up coming off slowly, but it was probably dark enough for the men in front of me couldn't notice.

"Wildcat your up with the acid." He said and they switch spots again. He stood in front of me with a bottle of acid. "What do you know about tomboy?" He asked. "You know I've always wanted to try acid, but I thought I would be at a party with a bunch of drunk people and I just bought it from some stranger I found on the street." I said giving a small laugh.

"Well today is your lucky day." He said. Wildcat pushed my head back and balanced the bottle over my head. He let a drop slip out of the bottle. Ive never had pain like this in my whole life. It ate away at my skin and felt as if he sun just took a piss on my forehead. I was so mad I kicked wildcat back with my foot causing him to drop the bottle of acid on the floor. I looked down at my foot and I broke the chains from my anger.

"You son of a bitch." Wildcat yelled at me. He got up and punched me twice in the stomach. I winced in pain and fell to my knees. "Enough wildcat!" Vanoss yelled. "We will come back in an hour or two for now have marcel come down and look at those chains. Can't have him kicking anyone else." Vanoss said opening the door and leaving.

I felt like I was going to pass out. My head was stinging along with the slits on my cheeks. My stomach area felt like a stampede hit it. I was interrupted in my thoughts when some one came through the door. It was marcel. "Holly hell you look like shit!" He said and laughed. I couldn't help to smile as well. "Feel like shit too." I said. I don't care for hurting the man so might as well start a conversation.

"I bet you do. What did they do to you?" He asked. He seems like nice man. "Punched me in the stomach with brass knuckles, slit my cheeks and poured lemon juice on them, and put acid on my for head." I said in a low and tired voice.

"God thats rough. I hate to be you." He said bringing out tools to fix the chain by my foot. Me and him was face to face. I was on my knees and he was on his. I was in the way of the chain so it was difficult to work out of range of my body.

I moved to my right so he could work. "Um thanks." He said continuing to fix the chain. "No problem." I said watching him work. "I'm Basically by the way." He said connecting the chain to the cuff around my foot. "You're marcel. The tec person for this group." I said and he looked up at me. "You know my real name?" He questioned putting the tools away. "Yeah, I'm Ryan." I said getting off my knees and he followed.

"You seem like a good guy Ryan." He said patting my chest. "Back at ya." I said. "Don't mind if I ask you question do ya?" He asked taking a seat in front of me. "Go for it, its not like I'm going anywhere else." I said sarcastically. "Why did you do those things to vanoss?" He asked crossing his legs.

"Well he was looking for tomboy and I had to protect the ones I care for." I said. Of course I care for myself and if I didn't I'm pretty sure I would let them kill me. "Oh well, don't let the guys know I did this." He said getting up and unlocked my right hand. "It was nice to meet you Ryan." He said holding out his hand for me to shake. I starred at it for a while and thought. Should I escape? I shook his hand. "Nice meeting you marcel." I said I put my hand back up at the cuff and he shut it and left the room.
-------Marcel's point of view.--------
The whole time I was in there I had my ear piece in and was listening to the guys. Unlock his right hand and shake it. Vanoss said and did so. I stuck out my hand hoping he wouldn't hit me. He shook it?! And even put it back?! I walked out of the room and went to the viewing area where vanoss, and delirious was watching.

"Did you guys see that?!" I said walking up beside them. "Yeah, he didn't hit you." Delirious said. "He means no harm I can tell." I said to vanoss. "I know, its strange." He said watching Ryan through the tinted window. He was back on his knees and was passed out. I hope they don't hurt him much, he seems like a good guy.

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