Chapter 37: Feelings

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'She has no feelings, no feelings for me that's for sure!'

I can hear my heart breaking, melting, in my chest and I can't fix it. She hates me, my team hates me, who doesn't hate me? Well Sark doesn't hate me he was always a loyal person... Unlike everyone else.

Maybe... Maybe I should say sorry to her. Yeah, I'm sorry I wanted you dead because you were flirting with that guy during the mission, I'm sorry I got jealous of Patrick because you liked him so much you jumped in front of my bullets to save his life, I'm sorry I'm such an ass.

When she kissed Thomas, I wanted to turn my gun around and point it at my chest over my heart... Because a bullet seems less painful than a broken heart.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud clap of thunder followed by a quick flash of lightning.

'I better go put my windows up.'

I got out of my bed and slipped on a pair of old shoes and went out to the hall. Everyone was quiet around the house. I walked into the living room where wildcat, delirious, and Nogla sat watching a UFC fight. I peaked into the kitchen where Brian (terroriser), lui, and sark were making sandwiches for lunch. I then checked the computer room where Marcel and Craig (mini) were playing GTA online.

'Where's tomboy and I'm guessing her... Lover?'

I forgot about that as I told my self my car is going to flood if I don't get my ass in gear. I went to the door and took my keys off the hook.

"Where are you going?"

Delicious asked from behind me.

"I'm going to go roll my windows up before my car gets ruined."

I said back quieter than usual.

~Tomboys point of view~

"And so I decided to go to your parents house and see if you were there."

Tom said as he was in the shower.

"Wait, so you went to my parents house?"

I said getting interested.

"Yeah, they fixed my leg."

"It probably isn't a very good job that they did, their education on stitching is a bit dated."

"Explains why they used string and not actual metal stitches."

"They used string?"

"Fuck yeah, and let me tell you string being pulled through your skin isn't very pleasant."

I laughed at him.

"Its not funny it hurts!"

He said and reached out from behind the curtain, grabbed his towel, and then came out with it around his waist.

"So how are they?"

I questioned wanting to know.

He turned towards me and looked into my eyes, god I hate it when people do that.

"They miss you."

"I know they do, but I can't go see them."

"I know, the special services and shit like that have that place locked down. You'll get to see them one day."

He brought me into a hug and his wet arms wrapped around my hips.

"Ew tom, you're wet."

I said pushing him off me.

"Well I did just get out of the shower."

He said in a smart ass tone.

"You're bleeding."

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