The Au Pair

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Carina DeLuca was a young woman of almost nineteen. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do after graduating from high school, and all she knew was that she wanted to have some unique experiences before settling into her adult life.

She had put together an application with the au pair agency. She had an interview with the agency. Carina was the daughter of a surgeon and an English teacher in Italy.

She had passed her driving test as required, she didn't smoke, she had a good level of English, knowing that they only asked for the basics.
She'd done everything by the book, she'd passed her BAFA, she'd been babysitting for an agency since she was sixteen. She had no criminal record.

She had taken the childcare training required by the agency and felt ready to move to any country in the world to become an au pair.

It was April and the agency had contacted Carina to tell her that they had found her a family.

- "Carina?"

- "Sì?" [yes?]

- "Sono Gabriella Aurora, dell'agenzia au pair." [this is Gabriella Aurora from the au pair agency].

- "oh!"

- "Cosa farai per i prossimi dodici mesi a partire da giugno?". [what are you doing for the next twelve months starting in June?]

- "Io... Mi occupeò di bambini da qualche parte nel mondo" [I... Will look after children in some part of the world] she said with a huge smile.

-"Ottima risposta! È ancora valida per te? Abbiamo una famiglia che si è innamorata della tua presentazione e del tuo video". [very good answer! Is it still good for you? We have a family who fell in love with your presentation and your video].

- "Non vedo l'ora" [I can't wait]

- "Avevate una preferenza?" [did you have a preference?]

-"Il più lontano possibile" [as far away as possible].

- "Nove ore sarebbero sufficienti?" [would nine hours of difference will be far enough?]

- "houuuu Nove ore?! Non posso aspettare ancora. Mi stai mandando in California? O... Australia, Nuova Caledonia? Oh... niente Russia, per favore" [nine o'clock?! I can't wait any longer. Are you sending me to California? Or to... Australia, New Caledonia? Oh... not Russia please]

- "L'Australia è a più di otto ore e mezza di distanza". [Australia is more than eight and a half hours away].

-"Russia?" she asked worriedly.

-"dall'altra parte" [on the other side].

- "Los Angeles?"

un po' più in alto" [a little higher]

- "Canada, Vancouver?"

- "un po' più in basso..." [a little lower...]

- "San Francisco?"

-Un po' più a nord" [a little further north].

- "hummmm Seattle?"

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