Bonding Over Complaints

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Cassie roamed the halls of RAD, her thoughts wandered back to the comments in her direction. It didn't occur to her that she would be making enemies out of the brothers—or anyone—in her attempt to defend Levi.

In all actuality, she didn't realize she was doing so until Belphie's comments. She thought to be more proactive instead of the hostility she was giving. She knew that was much smarter in the long run, but something about negative comments aimed at Levi triggered aggression deep within her.

Like a violent volcano, anytime she heard anything bad about Levi it almost felt like a attack personally directed at her. This urge seemed to only grow stronger since she arrived in the Devildom.


She stopped and looked to the voice, there she saw Levi peeking from behind a door.

"What are you doing?"

"Not so loud! I can't be caught around some human, people might think something of it."

"Says the person I'm gonna be living with?"

"Look, you don't know what kind of stuff these guys will conflate and turn into a massive problem. Soon they'll think I'm a normie who's constantly at parties instead of spending my time finishing up all the endings by getting to a 100% of the game."

"And on that note, I need to tell you I'm only out here because Barbatos made us something to eat and everyone I guess everyone's supposed to be there."

Levi groaned. "I don't have time for this. I need to finish my work so I can finally go back to my games."

"What do you have left?"

They started to walk back to the council room.

"Everything. I have too much work right now and too little time to finish it."

Cassie smiled. "That's right, I forgot I offered to help you. Can I still work with you on any homework you have?"

Levi nearly stopped walking, but continued after a slight stagger. He simply pulled his hands closer to his chest and spoke in a much softer voice. "You were serious?"

"Yeah, I was."

Levi was kind of shocked by her response. "Y-you really don't have to."

"I don't have to, but like I said, I don't wanna fail these classes. So any work I can get that'll help me understand the material faster."

"What's up with that? You didn't seem very interested in school in the human world."

"Because work there wasn't engaging. I just studied until I got decent grades, then repeated. Ask anyone, most people aren't very interested in school because it's built like that."

"That's not how it seems in anime. The only students who don't like school is the main character who are simply too busy to participate in the monotony of typical school life."

"You think we don't feel like this?" Cassie laughed. "That's exactly why some of us wanna be like anime characters. So we can get out of that kind of life."

Levi looked at Cassie. "Then why is the Devildom any better?"

"Because, in the little time I've been here, I've seen the cutest creatures ever! I don't even know their names, but I desperately want to research those things." Cassie giggled. "It's exciting and makes me ready to see what else is here."

While Cassie went on, Levi watched her and slowly his face changed to that of a gentle smile. Before Cassie could notice it, the loud commanding voice of Diavolo resonated in the hallway outside the door of the council room. He was accompanied by Lucifer who said nothing as he walked beside him.

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