Ngenhliziyo yami yonkhe❤️

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Sphiwo's POV:

I wake up the next morning and I am met by the memories of last night's activities, I turn over, and as I realise that he's not in the bed with me anymore ,he steps out the bathroom buttoning his shirt and comes and sits on the bed next to me and he starts  brushing my hair with his hand .

Bafana : Good Morning Beautiful

Sphiwo: Morning Bafana

Bafana: Unjani sthandwa sami?

Sphiwo: Sthandwa sakho??

Bafana : Ehe, phela wena uyisthandwa sami.

Sphiwo: Awu ,mina bengazi .

Bafana : Usuyazi ke manje ,lalela Sphiwesihle....angfuni ucabange ukuthi mina angizimisele ngawe.....kahle kahle awekho amagama angacaza indlela engiziwa ngayo ngawe ,ingakho ke Mashimane omuhle.....ngicela kuwe ukuthi ungivumele ngikutshengise ukuthi ngizizwa kanjani ngawe....bengsacela ukuqala ngokukwenza umuntu wami ngokuphelele .

Sphiwo :(blushing) Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?

Bafana:( thinks for a minute)yes it is .

Sphiwo: ....well then yes, I'll be your girlfriend .

Bafana : Ngiyakthanda Sphiwesihle Maphumulo,  the little time that we've spent together has made me realise that you're the woman that I want by my side....the I want to spend the rest of my life with .

He leans in for a kiss and he kisses me

Bafana: Now as much as I would love to stay here and devour you all day long .....I really need to get to the office right now , I have a urgent meeting with a client .

He stands up from the bed and puts on his blazer he grabs his keys and his phone and comes back to the bed and kisses my forehead.

Bafana: I'll see you later .....I love you

Sphiwo: I love you too

I watch him leave and I can hear him exit through the kitchen door , as I'm thinking about everything he just said to me I realise, that I actually love him.

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