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Bafana's POV:

I wake up the next morning with a pounding headache and I pop a few of the painkillers on my bedside table given to me for my shoulder. I can't help but overthink about what happened yesterday with the Russians and the deal gone wrong , I can't help but constantly think of ways to protect my family, the company.....and myself as well. I lay on my bed facing the ceiling and let my thoughts drift me away into a realm of overthinking. Finally I decide to snap out of it and I go and take a cold shower. After the shower I decide to go and chill by the pool and sis'Nomsa offers to bring me a drink.A few minutes into that my brothers arrive and join me.

Gazi: Sho bafo.

Bafana : Sho.

Mandlendoda: kunjani buthi?

Bafana : Hai....kunjengoba uzibonela nawe.

Cephus: Exe.

Bafana : ( Shaking hands with Cephus) Wola.

Mandla: Webuthi.....yini ngathi uhleli nje lana udliwa imicabango yakho.

Bafana : Eyy buthi.....ngingaphinde futhi ngenze njani.

Gazi : Bafana.....yini le oyicabanga kangaka ?

Bafana : Hai lutho buthi.

I check the time and realize that it's time for me to go to Sphiwo's place .Mandlendoda's phone rings and it's one of his wives ....he switches his phone off and ignores the call Sis'Nomsa walks in with a few beers .

Bafana :( chuckling )Ngiyabonga Ma .......Umzibelani?

Mandla: Eyy awukame.....kunini engibelesela ngokuthi bengikephi izolo.

Bafana : (laughing at him)Wena ubukephi?

Mandla : Did I not save your ass from getting shot ??

Bafana :( pointing to the neatly bandaged bullet wound on his shoulder) Clearly not.

They all laugh.

Bafana: Eyy bafo.....ngathi nakimi seksondele.

Mandla :Yini esondele kuwe manje ??

Bafana : Umendo.

Mandla : ( Smiles and laughs) Mvelase .....Qhudeni.

Gazi : ( suprised by what Bafana just said ) Sekuyiso njalo lesosikathi ??

Bafana: Hai sona siseduzane....sona sise duzane impela.

Gazi : Ima buthi......unesiqinisekiso sokuthi ufuna ukuyenza ngemphela lento futhi ...emva kwalento eyayenzeka ekuqaleni ??

Bafana: Hai ngathi sengikulungele futhi manje ukuyenza lento.

Mandla : Umama yena uklungele?

Bafana : ( staring into thin air )Hai uklungele yena.

Cephus: How do you know that for sure ??

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