Flight school ....

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Sphiwo's POV:

I'm finishing up the last bit of my paper work and I'm about to clock out. I'm extremely tired and  my feet are killing me in these heels. Suddenly someone knocks on the door and just before I could yell "Come in!"Bafana walks in my office with the biggest bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Bafana : Mashimane.......ngiyaxolisa ukuphazamisa ,kodwa mawu ngangipha ithuba nje elincane lokuthi ngikhulume nawe ngingaku jabulela lokho.

Sphiwo stands up and sits on her desk.

Sphiwo: Bafana I'm so tired ,I'm really not tryna fight with you today.

Bafana :( with the most sorrowful look in his eyes ) Baby I'm not here to fight with you.

Sphiwo just keeps quiet and looks at him.

Bafana: I didn't come here to fight with you ........I actually came here to let you know that I'm sorry......I'm sorry for the way I acted when I found out about...Vusi....I shouldn't have reacted the way i did , I should have believed you.....Ngiyaxolisa Sthandwa sami....Ngiyaxolisa kakhulu mama.

Sphiwo:( chuckles) Yini ekwenze ukuthi ushintshe unqondo wakho manje ?? Mmhh Bafana ??.....yini osuyibonile ektshengisa ukuthi mina angsiso isfebe ??

Bafana : Mashimane.

Sphiwo: Ohh please Bafana cut the bullshit......you think just cause you came to my office with a bouquet of flowers that I'm gonna come running back into your arms?!??!

Bafana : Baby I need you to please forgive me.

Sphiwo let's out a little annoyed chuckle
And there's a moment of silence for a while.

Bafana : Let me take you home.

Sphiwo just looks at him and keeps quiet.

Bafana : Please.

He puts the flowers on the table and leaves her office and goes to the reception, Sphiwo proceeds to neaten up her desk and leaves the bouquet of flowers on the table ....she grabs her bag and heads out and finds Bafana waiting for her at the reception ,where Lorry is. She stands there and gives Bafana a look before dreadfully telling Lorry to lock up and she stepping out .

Sphiwo: Let's go...

Bafana smirks and follows behind her and they make their way to the car. Sphiwo opens the door and gets in the car on her own and shuts the door before Bafana could even attempt to help her in.

Bafana :( he mutters to himself)Ok.....I could have done that for you.

He looks at her through the window of the passenger seat before making his way to the drivers seat. He enters the car and starts the engine and drives .The drive is silent for a while before Bafana decides to break the silence. Sphiwo has not looked at him once and her body is leaning more towards the door.

Bafana :( Clears his throat) Did you have to do that yourself??

Sphiwo : ( looks at him and the looks out the window again) What??

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