Welcome to the family.....

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As I'm eating my breakfast ,I get a text message from my girlfriend saying we need to talk. My heart skips a beat for a moment but I quickly bring myself back to life. I finish up eating my breakfast and leave. My girlfriend is Amanda Shangase , Amanda is unlike the rest of the girl's here on campus, she's so down to earth , soft spoken rather, very sensitive and sweet . Most of the girls here are just bad bitches. Anyways I arrive on campus and head straight to her dorm and knock on the door.

Msizi: Hey.

Amanda : Hey.

Msizi: Can I come in ?

Amanda:(stepping out the way )Sure.

Msizi : I bought you some of those candies you really like......I didn't know if I should get the blue one's or the pink one's so I just too-

Amanda interupts

Amanda : Msizi.....Thank you.

Msizi: ( after a few moment of silence)Is everything okay?......you sounded very serious over the phone I'm not sure if I should be worri-

Amanda: I'm fine Msizi...I'm ok baby....I just need you to sit down.

Msizi: sit down ??

Amanda: yeah.....please sit.

I sit down and watch her as she goes to the bathroom and comes back with a box.

Amanda :Msizi......I don't know how to tell you this but.....I think I'm pregnant .

Msizi: You're pregnant?

Amanda: No,I said I think ......I haven't been feeling well lately so I went and bought a pregnancy test and I took it just now ....and it came back positive.

Msizi: Let me see.

He stands up from where he's sitting.

Msizi: Is it mine ?

Amanda: Yes of course it's yours Msizi, what do you take me for??

She starts crying.

Amanda : I can't be pregnant Msizi this can't be happening....my father's gonna kill me ,he's gonna kill you .....we're not even allowed to be together and I don't kno-

Msizi: ok,ok stop panicking , look at me, it's ok baby we'll figure it out right ?, we've been together for 3 years now and I'm not gonna up and leave you just cause you're pregnant, we'll figure it out......maybe this baby is our ticket to finally being together.

We hold each other and sit down while I reassure her that everything is going to be fine , I decide to spend the rest of the day with her just to keep her from overthinking and getting worked up . I leave at around 6:30 and arrive just in time for dinner.I join the rest of my family for dinner and  after dinner I decide to join my father in the lounge.

Msizi : Baba.

Bhekinkosi:( in some what of a good mood)Awu .....Mvelase, woza woza wozohlala.

Msizi : Baba kunodaba olubalulekile la ebengithanda ukulikhuluma nawe.

Bhekinkosi: I'm listening...

Msizi: u-.......u-Amanda ukhulelwe.

Bhekinkosi: uAmanda??

A nervous Msizi speaks.

Msizi: Baba , I swear I can fix this ....she just told me today and I promised her that everything will be alright but for now I just needed to make sure that you know before things get out of hand.

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