Blood and Secrets...

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Bafana's POV:

I slowly drive into the yard followed by 4 other SUV's and park my vehicle in front of the mansion. Gazi ,Mandla, Cephus and I exit our vehicles and I head into the mansion while the others grab the guns out of the boot of my car  and go and clean them at the back of the house .The vest that I wore underneath my shirt was completely covered in blood and the shirt in my hand was even worse as I used it to nurse the bullet wound on my shoulder. Upon my arrival at the house I am immediately met by my father at the door who is clearly 10 times cleaner than me right now in his suit, and is eager to hear how things went.

Bhekinkosi:  ( with a worried look on his face) Bafanabezulu.

Bafana: ( In reply )Baba.

Bhekinkosi: Word on the street kalashinkov's son is dead .

Bafana :  That was quick .....they don't waste time now don't they ?

Bhekinkosi:. Bafana .......I thought we agreed on doing a clean job with the Russians ......not this mess you've created .

Bafana goes and pours himself a drink.

Bafana:  ( he takes a big sip) Baba there was nothing else I could do ......I told you that it's either I deal with Kalashinkov directly or nothing...not with his son ......he was to arrogant Mvelase.....things got out of hand to quickly .....Ricky wanted to take 1 SUV .

Bhekinkosi:  But that's not what kalashinkov and I agreed on .....we agreed on 5 SUV's each worth 1.2 million exact ....then we sell those cars to the dealers.

Bafana:  Yeah well Ricky here had other plans......and I tried to calmly negotiate with him but he was so persistent on the idea of taking 1 SUV and that's when he got arrogant and things got out of hand.

Bhekinkosi:( after a minute of silence while he thinks ) Kalashinkov is coming for us ......he's not gonna let his son's death slide that easily.

MaDlamini enters the room and spots Bafana covered in blood and sweat and is wounded, she immediately rushes to him and holds his arm in concern.

MaDlamini: Bafana ......igazi elingaka kwenzenja-

Bafana interupts.

Bafana : I'm fine ma .....Ngizoya lapha emuva uGazi uzongcleana.

I leave them in the lounge and I head towards the kitchen so I can exit the house through the kitchen door .....but then something important crosses my mind, I take my phone out of my pocket and proceed to call Sphiwo.

Sphiwo : Bafana .

The sound of her voice sooths my soul immidiately.

Bafana : Unjani Sthandwa sami ?

Sphiwo : Ngiyaphila wena unjani?

Bafana: Hai .....Ngiyaphila mama......lalela I don't think I'll be able to make it tonight.

Sphiwo : Ohh.....why is that so ?

Bafana : father needs my help with something layndlini ......but I promise I'll see you tomorrow ok?

Sphiwo: Okay.

Bafana: I love you .

Sphiwo: I love you too.

Bafana : Don't stay up too late thinking about me .....your head will explode.

Sphiwo: ( chuckles) Awu kahle Bafana.

Bafana : I'm serious.....bye my love.

Sphiwo : Bye baby.

I step outside and go to the backyard where the rest of my brothers are, cleaning bloodstained guns and packing them away neatly.

Mandla: Wendoda .....ukahle lapho?

Bafana: Hai ngikahle  buthi.

Mandla : Ngiyakbona lapho iktintile inhalmvu.

Bafana: Hai wena buthi ithe nje ukungitinta kancane .....kodwa ayenzanga umonakalo yona.

Mandla : Hai ngiyakuzwa bafo

Gazi :Leyo nhlamvu ngabe ikshaye la....esphongweni.

Bafana : Fusegi wena Gazi.

Cephus: ( chuckling) But are you sure you're good for real though my brother?

Bafana : yeah I'm good bro.

Cephus purposefully gives Bafana a hug just to test the strength of his arm wounded arm.

Bafana: ( groans in a bit of pain) Mmmhh ave uyishlama Cephus.


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