Date night 🥂🍝✨️

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Sphiwo's POV:

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Sphiwo's POV:

The time now is 4:30pm and I just got home from work and I am extremely tired, so I decide to just go straight to the shower .When I'm done showering I step out the shower and wrap my body and hair in a white towel and I moisturize my body in front of my bathroom mirror and then I go to my room and pick out an outfit for tonight's date , I'm so excited I can't even contain it .I get ready and do my hair and make-up while playing some music. 

( Playing in the background incwadi yothando by: Big Nuz and Khaya Mthethwa )


Zishubile izinto namazwi anginawo okuchaza wena
Zishubile izinto namazwi anginawo okuchaza wena

Ohhhhhhh mina nawe sobabili together in our world
Ohhhhhhh mina nawe sobabili together in our world

As I'm getting ready my phone rings and it's a video call from my best friend Angel I answer it and place my phone on the dressing table in front of me .

Angel: Girl!

Sphiwo:( excitedly) what's good girl !

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Sphiwo:( excitedly) what's good girl !

Angel : mmhh someone's in a good mood....who is he?

Sphiwo: Why would you think that a man is the reason why I'm in a good mood?!

Angel :Cause you're doing your hair and make-up this time of the day !?! uSphiwesihle wonke?!, you're going out??

Sphiwo: Ohhh my goodness Angel I have a meeting .

Angel: Lies! ....kodwa ngiyazi ukuthi uzogcine ungtshelile ukuthi ubani lo-guy okfakisa i-make-up ngaleskathi.

Sphiwo: Ohh Angel bandla yazi uyangiphazamisa!

Angel: Haibo kahle sisi... let me go before I disturb you too much , before you forget to put on that little red number underneath your coat .

They both laugh at that.

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