Life as his girlfriend 🌹❤️

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Sphiwo's POV :

It's a very chilled Thursday afternoon, the time now is 1 o'clock.I only have a few hours left before I knock off work and go home. I'm just sitting in my office thinking to myself how these past few months have been the best months of my life. Who knew love could be so sweet , Bafana and I have been dating for 7 months now ,he usually visits me at my place and stays for the weekend, sometime's for the whole week even,but ever since we've started dating I don't think we've ever spent a weekend apart. I am suddenly interrupted by the ringing sound of my phone.

Sphiwo: Mvelase.

Bafana : Awu.....yazi ungcaza kanjani masungbiza ngesthakazelo sami.... uyaphila kodwa Sthandwa sami?

Sphiwo : Ngiyaphila wena unjani?

Bafana: Hai...ngikhona ,ikona phela ukuthi umuntu udlala inkhumbulo lana.

Sphiwo: Hawu ,Bafana....aren't you coming over today??

Bafana: Hai ngiyeza.....futhi ayikho into ezongvimba ukuthi ngize kuwe namhlanje.

Sphiwo: So then why are you complaining so much??

Bafana : I just miss my baby....and I can't wait to see her today.

Sphiwo: ( blushing) I can't wait to see you too .

Bafana : I wish I could sit here and talk to you all day but I'm just checking on you things are very busy here at the office, Msizi messed up a deal with a potential client for my father so now my father is angry and he's got all of us on our toes while he tries to fix Msizi's mess.

Sphiwo: Yikes ......that's hectic ,but I'll see you when you get home.

Bafana: Yahh ngizokbona ntambama
Ngiyakthanda Mashimane.

Sphiwo: Nami ngiyakthanda Mvelase.

The day goes on and finally, it's time for me to go home ,but before I go home I decide to grab a few things at Pick and Pay so I can make something nice to eat for dinner .When I'm done I go to the parking area and put the plastic bags inside the boot of my car and get inside the car and go home. When I get home the time is 5:30 in the evening. I take my handbag from the passenger seat and get the plastic bags in the boot and get inside the apartment.when I'm inside I put the bags down and go to my room and put on some Grey sweatpants and a black vest and I go back to the kitchen and get started on the pots.

The time now is 6:30 and I'm just wrapping things up with the cooking in the kitchen and as I'm doing so Bafana walks in and hugs me from behind.

Sphiwo: ( in a fright) Haibo Bafana waze wangthusa .

Bafana : I'm sorry my love I didn't mean to scare you ....unjani?

I turn around and face him while he's still holding my waist.

Sphiwo: I'm good and you ?

Bafana (kisses her cheek) I'm fine ,I'm just tired ,it smells delicious in here ...what did you make ?

Sphiwo: I made chicken Alfredo pasta .

Bafana : Yini manje leyo??.....Sphiwo mina ngiyindoda yomzulu angyidli yonkhe lento yenu yoChicken afraid.

Sphiwo:( laughing )It's Alfredo baby,
Taste it .

I take the fork that's lying next to the pot and take some pasta  out the pot for him and feed it to him .

Bafana : Akfani ,uzamile.

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