Ultrasound 🤍

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Msizi's POV:

So today we're going to the doctor for our first ultrasound scan and I must say I am nervous and excited at the same time , Amanda has been staying with us for 3 months now and  she's settled in pretty well around here...everyone has gotten used to her presence, especially my dad.

Amanda: You ready to go ??

Msizi: Umm....I'm almost ready,I'm just looking for my wallet.

Amanda points to it on a table.

Amanda: It's right there.

Msizi: Ohh thanks .....wait....how did you know it's right there ??

Amanda : umm cause you put it there duhhh. ( roles her eyes )

Msizi: Lies.

Amanda: Hawu kodwa bakithi .....Ngicela sihambe Msizi sizobalate.

They walk out the bedroom and Msizi stops walking.

Amanda: Yini manje ??

Msizi:( Turning around and doing a little jog back ) The keys.

Amanda: Ughhh really.

Msizi: Sorry!

Amanda: Can you find them ??

Msizi : Yep ....here we go .....now we can go ......after you my lady.

They head downstairs and find MaDlamini sitting on the sofa paging through a magazine.

MaDlamini: Seni-ready ukhamba??

Msizi: Yep.

MaDlamini: okay....nisure??

Msizi: yess ma .....we're sure.

MaDlamini: usure  Amanda ??

Amanda:( chuckles) Yebo ma ngisure.

MaDlamini: ok......ngicele udriver lana ukuthi anihambise.

Msizi: Ma!!

MaDlamini: mmhh??

Msizi: You do know that I can drive right?? ......and I have my own car ?

MaDlamini: Yes my boy I know ....but I'm just ......worried.

Msizi and Amanda together: Worried !?!

MaDlamini: Yah.....ngikathazekile ngani.....

Msizi shoots his mom a funny look

MaDlamini: Baby don't give me that look look .... we both know you're a terrible driver.

Msizi: I'm a great driver thank you very much.

MaDlamini: Yeah but it's just that.....you can be very reckless sometimes...

Msizi:( shocked ) Ma !?!

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