4 - The choice to be chosen

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Sam spoke, bringing me back to the present, and I looked at him questioningly as he remained standing in the living room with a rather serious look.

-what? – I had just finished preparing the 2 cups of coffee, and was taking out a couple of paper napkins.

Sam looked at me with some concern and I realized what had caught his attention.

-Did you get into a fight or what? - Sam said, pointing towards my knuckles with some purple and reddened nuances.

-No... what do you think I do when I go to the gym?

-I don't know...run an absurd amount of kilometers and take photos for Instagram? At least that's what I do sometimes.

- Does it really look that bad?

-A little, so please don't break your hands.

-I'll try - I answered and after taking a sip of my coffee, I added: - Is that why you came to the kitchen?

-No, - he looked at me and hesitated for a second before adding: - I think I found something.

Back in his room, already sitting at his desk and with the coffee slowly getting cold, Sam finally spoke again.

-There is nothing about your mother in the files that I was able to review. All the folders that should contain those files, investigations and evidence... there was nothing more than a notice. It said they had been moved to a place called Archive 1821.

-It's always supposed to be the other way around, from paper to digital – I said, thoughtfully.

-Exactly my thoughts.

-One second.... If there was nothing there, what did you find? - I asked, then took a sip of my coffee.

For a moment Sam looked somewhat uncertain.

-They are implementing an initiative – he said – to carry out the first encounter with extraterrestrials. It's called The Alliance Pact.

- How will they choose the participants? - I asked.

- An algorithm creates a list of humans from different countries, who meet certain requirements, and then randomly chooses a list of 7000, then 700, and at the end selects the 7 they need.

Suddenly, a crazy idea crossed my mind.

-Sam, is there a way to manipulate the algorithm?

- Manipulate how? - Sam inquired.

-Make sure that a person on that list gets selected.

- It's not complicated, especially now that they have all their defenses open. But the big question is why would you want to manipulate the algorithm? - Sam looked at me with his hands clasped over his abdomen.

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