Chapter 1: Hera is actually nice?

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What would you do when you were having a date with your boyfriend at the beach then you were flashed to Olympus standing in front of your favourite god and goddesses and least favourite goddess?

What I did was say the smartest response, "Why?"

"Persues," Hera started.


"Percy, we" she said gesturing to Hestia and herself "have been keeping a secret from you"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "lemme guess my grandad is some evil dark wizard and I'm involved in another prophecy and I'm supposed help this dude kill him and you gonna send me to some wizarding school in Scotland."

"Well that exactly the situation." Hades replied

Neeks who was still holding onto me groaned in my back, "This is why you should never predict stuff. It's been a curse since Apollo blessed you"

I shrugged, "well I'm not leaving Nico"

"He can come with you t00." Hecate responded. Dam I forgot she was here.

"Also I get why Hestia would keep a secret but why you?" I asked pointing at Hera.

"I know it seems impossible to believe but I actually don't hate you."

I blinked trying to register what I just heard then said the most Percy-like answer , "Huh"

"Woman you erased his memories."

"I was clouded by jealousy."

"Anyway when do we leave?"

"In a week"

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