Chapter 9: I meet the blonde younger version of Rachel Dare

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That dam caretaker Filch is really pissing me off.

He took riptide because I was writing with it. WRITING.

So I'm sneaking into his office. Not like I'm gonna get . Hermes made sure of that.

Wait maybe I can set a world record for first person to get blessed by all the gods.

We just need Zeus outta the picture.

I get my pen . I didn't even realise I clicked it until the metal detectors started going off.

Who puts metal detectors in a school?!

"Are you trying to kill me?" I was stopped by the blonde raven claw girl I saw the other day at breakfast.

"Where are you going?"


"Why have got a sword?"


"Are you American ?"

"Geez chill gimme time to answer" I complained "Rachel Dare 2.0"

"So are you gonna answer"

"Forget you almost tried to kill me?"

"Yeah that too"

"Who no what are you?"

"What's your name?"

"Luna. Now answer the previous question."

Does she ever stop talking. I could see filch's shadow getting nearer and nearer.

I blurted out, "I'm a demigod"

When I realised what I said I facepalmed , "I'm. An. Idiot."

"Like the Greeks?"

"Exactly like that . Gotta go. See ya"

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