Chapter 12: I purposely lose a bet

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Dear Persues and Nico,

Not my name.

You are going to have to reveal your secret.
As you know all the teachers are already aware. I have also told the order and Weasley's except the younger two.

We can start by telling you friends and the golden trio

Golden?! Ha is he serious no pun intended.

and Ginny Weasley first.

King regards


Albus Dumbledore

"I bet 20 drachma Theo discovers before we tell em." Nico suggested.

"As if ! You're on!" Obviously I knew I was gonna lose but I love seeing neeks happy.

It's amusing watching people think you're not there when you actually are . Now I get why Nico and hades lived shadow travelling so much.

Messy curls was pacing up and down dumbles office, "where are they ?!"

"Miss granger calm down I'm sure they'll be here any moment now." Dumbeldore said calmly.

Ha. We're already here how long will it take them to notice.

After a few minutes we got bored and said, "Hey!"

"Ahh!" Everyone screamed except Theo who looked amused.

He rolled his eyes, "was wondering when you'll come out."

"Did that like three years ago."

Theo facepalmed.

Gingernette huffed and flipped her hair, "What is it you needed to tell us , my boyfriend and I have a date to get to."

"What boyfriend?" asked Draco "like someone would ever want you."

"That would be me ." Harry replied putting his hand over Ginny's shoulder, smirking at Draco.

Luna cleared her throat, "Guys we're getting off track. Percy , Nico you're gonna have to tell them eventually."

"Tell us what?" Huffed weasel  getting irritated.

"You're Greek demigods aren't you?" Theo blurted out, "That 'pen' is a sword it had a Greek word carved on it translating to riptide" the rest except Luna stared at him incredulously "You're dad" he carried on pointing at me "is Poseidon with that water incident and shit."

"Sperm donor ," I corrected.

Theo continued, he pointed at Nico , "you're dad is hades that why you're so good with shadows. And the fact that Percy put his username as sonofposeidon and son-in-law oftheunderworld. Also I'm actually not going crazy."

"Ok. Perce pay up" Nico demanded opening his hand.

"Huh?" daphne questions confusedly.

"Oh we made a bet about whether or not Theo would find out before we told you guys."

"That was dumb Percy why would you say Theo wouldn't he obviously would"

I shrugged, "I knew that , just wanted to see Nico happy."

"Okay!" Pansy declared "can we just take eternity to appreciate how fucking cute they are!"

Snape spoke up everyone seemed to forget he was there, "Do you have any insight on the prophecies meaning?"

"Well son of the sea is me obviously"

"Son of the sky could be Jason but I have a feeling it's not."

"Daughter of the underworld hazel?"

"Expect Bianca rises from the dead or some shit."

"The ghost king"

"That would be me." says Nico.

"Grandson against grandfather so me versus this Voldemort guy who's my grandfather"

" the wizarding world lies in your hands"

"That lines pretty self explanatory."

"Love will prevail"

"Ok so wild guess here." Blaise says sarcasm dripping in his voice "Percy and Nico are gonna be a really awesome battle couple and gonna some weird ancient ritual magic thingy is gonna protect them."

"That's oddly specific."

"Well you lot better be going we can't keep you all day." says Mcgonagall.

"Mr Jackson stay back though o need to talk to you." Dumbledore says a twinkle in his eyes.

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