Chapter 13: Third times the charm (not in this case)

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I walked into the slytherin common room and plopped down on one of the couches.

"Soo what did dumbles wanna talk to you about?" asked Theo his eyes still fixed on his book. How can someone be so focused reading a book?!

"He said he's giving me private lessons."

That made him put the book down. "About what?"

"He didn't really say just that it'll be useful for the war."

Theo raised an eyebrow, "and that took about 2 hours to do?"

"He tried to convince me to change houses and talk to potter."


"Anyway" I said changing the subject, "Where's Nico.

Pansy joined the conversation from the lap of Daphne , "He hasn't been back in 2 hours!"

Then Nico walked in crying?

He never cries.

Correct he never cries in front of someone that's not me.

Everyone else left the room.

"Hey neeks what's wrong?" I asked holding him .

"H-h-Harry h-he"

I caressed his back, "don't worry carry own."
"H-h-he" at this point he was crying waterfalls, "ra-ra . Touched me."

My face darkened : I didn't need him to finish or explain I new exactly what he meant.

"That son of a"

Before I could finish a sixth year walked in, "Giys come to the great hall NOW!"

I looked at Nico , "Will you be able to go?"

He stood up and wiped his tears, "I'll manage."

Ok so when I walked in the great hall I wasn't expecting what I saw (well it was expected but not at this moment in time.)

Zeus was in the middle of the great with Harry , who had a thunderbolt over his head.

(What's the point he's already got a lightning scar on his head.)

I guess know we know who the son of the sky part is about .

"I guess third times not the charm," I muttered.

The room shook, "Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon."

Everyone turned in our direction.

Then a Hufflepuff shouted, "Can someone please explain, WHAT THE DI ANGELO IS GOING ON?"

"Did you just use my name as a swear?"


"Wow when Hera told me I was sure he wouldn't keep a secret for this long."

Theo piped in, "Well I found out, but then again everyone else is too dumb to realise things."

Which earned a few 'heys's.

"Well as you can see I came here to claim my son."

A slytherin interrupted, "I swear so much weird shit is happening and we're not even in second term yet!"

Mcgonagall looked so focused about the current predicament that she didn't even bother to say 'language mr/miss whatever their name is'.

"And it's best if you two tell everyone else the truth."


"Long story short: we're Greek demigods his dad's Hades mines Poseidon . So I was 12 found out I was a demigod ,part of some minor mquests ,two major prophecies, betrayed by a friend, saved Olympus twice, woke up Gaia with a nosebleed."

Nico sighed, "Did you seriously just summarise six years worth of chaos and destruction in 3o words?"

"Did you seriously just count?"

He shrugged.

"Ok soooo drama queen you can leave now."

Draco turned to Nico, " Is he always this disrespectful?"

"Wait till you see him against the whole Olympian council."

Zues struck his bolt on the ground, "Farewell!" And he was finally gone.

"Now I need some sleep" yep that was Nico.

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