Chapter 11: greasy long haired bat

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Potions class was fun but the teacher made it a nightmare.

I don't know wether is my sperm donor is Poseidon or that I was late.

I was literally was late to ONE class and made a few sassy/sacarstic remarks , and he hates me. like who wouldn't love persassy .

He's the head of Slytherin, he loves every Slytherin except me and neeks!

You know it's terrible when the head of Slytherin who's known for being biased to his own house loathes you while you're on his own house.

"Mr Jackson late again!" Snape snarled.

"Bruh . I came in with everyone else I was just at the back of the line."

"No excuse! 10 points from Slytherin"

Most gryffindorks snickers while the Slytherins glared at Snape.

"Greasy long haired bat!" I mumble.

"Mr Jackson if you think you're so clever. Answer this question: What is the difference between monkshood and aconite?"

"That's a first year question" ms. Know it all whispered to her friends "there's no way he's getting this wrong."

I smirked, "the name"

"I mean he's got a point there professor," Neville spoke up.

"Hmmm" Theo nodded in response.

"Mr Jackson detention tonight."


Regular school detention is okay.

Wizarding school with a crazy, stupid teacher that will do anything to make your life living hell...

Wrong phrase again

... is tiring.

He expect me to clean the stables of the Thestrals without magic.

At least they're not man eating horses.

Wait I could just get a gust of water and clean the whole thing.

But I could get caught.

But there's no one here.


Ok done.

"Mr Jackson. There's no way you did this this fast without magic."

"Bruh . You know I have water powers."

" I said no magic!"

"Yeah that is a godly power not magic bitch!"

Snape did not have a remark for that.

"Well I need sleep." I said, flipped him off and walked away.

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