Chapter 14: Jason Grace you have a terrible brother

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"You have to focus." I told Potter. We were currently in the Room of requirement and I was teaching him sword fighting. He was terrible. "If you have the shorter blade draw in first."

He dropped his sword, "I give up! Can we do something else? Like teaching me how to use my powers." It was taking all my willpower to not kill him right now.

"Not all demigods have powers" I honestly hope he doesn't. I was dangerously close to stabbing the annoying fucker. "but if you did I don't think I could help you - I'm not a child of Zeus"

"What powers do you have?"

"Water control and that means everything and anything with water and/or liquid."

He paled.

"Like water particles in the air?"




His voice faltered, "A-and b-blood?"

I smirked, "Hmmm I killed a goddess once with her own poison and blood."

"Bloody hell."

"Anyway, I also have vapour travel, I can read longitude and latitude lines. When I got blessed by hades I got shadow travel and when I got blessed by Apollo I got future telling, archery skills and amazing music talents."

"Remind me to never cross you."

I glared at him, "Too late. Now try make some lightning."

"How am I suppose do that?"

"I don't know." I answered shrugging. "You're the all powerful Harry Potter, Son of Zeus. 'Chosen one'." I stated using air quotes around chosen one.

"Riddle! I swear to..."

Guess what happened next? My hair got singed.

Draco walked in, "Congratulations you've finally created lightning."

The asshole grinned, "Hey dray."

He rolled his eyes, " one don't call me that. Two I'm not here for you I'm here for Percy."

We walked out of the RoR. "What's the problem?"

"Nico's missing."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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